Program areas at Gallaudet University
Instruction and academic support: Gallaudet is divided into two major component programs for budgeting and operating purposes: the University and the laurent clerc national deaf education center ("clerc center"). The clerc center consists of the model secondary school for the deaf and kendall demonstration elementary school. In the fall semester of academic year 2022-2023, the University enrolled 961 undergraduate students, 474 graduate students, and 9 english language institute students. The clerc center had 88 students at kendall, and 139 students at the model secondary school for the deaf.
Auxiliary enterprises: auxiliary enterprises include dormitory, food service, bookstore operations, the University press, conference activities, community interpreting, hearing and speech operations, and lease-related income. Only those activities which are revenue producing are included under this designation. For clerc center programs, costs incurred for dormitory and food service under the model secondary school for the deaf and food service under kendall demonstration elementary school, neither of which produce revenue, are reported as part of student services program expense.
Student services: Gallaudet University provides a wide range of student services including counseling, placement, financial aid, health services, tutoring, career center and other student activities at both the University and clerc center.
Gallaudet University's research, development and outreach agenda isaimed at advancing knowledge and practice for deaf and hard of hearingpeople and all humanity. Research areas of major importance includevisual language and learning, hearing and speech science, technologyaccess, genetics, american sign language/english bilingualism, and deaflife. A critically important focus area of Gallaudet University isintegrating research and practice to benefit deaf and hard of hearingpre kindergarten - 12 grade students, with special attention todiversity and equity to this traditionally under-represented group.gallaudet University's public service activities provide educationalopportunities to adults who are deaf. Services include professionaltrainings, a variety of on-campus summer programs, and extensionprograms at other schools.