Program areas at GBTA Foundation
Sustainability initiative program: protecting the planet is one of the biggest challenges the global business travel sector faces, like many other industries worldwide. Reducing carbon emissions must be part of our collective mission and game plan today to ensure we can connect people and travel for business tomorrow.the sustainability initiative drives cross-industry collaboration between the users and providers of corporate travel services, including aviation, hospitality, ground transport, travel management, and distribution, to support the deployment of solutions that help manage and reduce carbon emissions from travel. Core areas of work include capacity building, industry collaboration, and advocacy.there were 300 participants at the november 2022 inaugural sustainability summit in brussels. There were 3,022 visits to the Gbta sustainability toolkit in the first five months of its launch and 3,669 unique views of the 2022 state of sustainability report.
The ladders program is dedicated to building the next generation of global travel professionals. It leverages collective talents to empower emerging industry leaders to connect and expand their careers via mentorship, education, and collaboration.each year, the program culminates in the three-day ladders summit, where teams compete and present their projects to a panel of judges from across the business travel industry. The goal is to inspire current and next-generation business travel leaders and to foster innovative thinking that helps drive industry change. Importantly, concepts and presentations generated through the ladders season produce actionable ideas aligned with Gbta for potentially broader 2022, ladders became a more global program by expanding into india and singapore. The number of mentee applications received in 2022 was the highest since the inception of the program in 2014. The 2022-2023 ladders season had 175 mentors and mentees, hosted ten virtual professional webinars and meet-ups, and 13 countries represented.
Winit is designed to help women move forward in their careers in the travel industry by offering programming geared toward their advancement. Winit provides the tools, resources, and networks necessary to ensure that there are women in prominent leadership positions across the industry and that the overall state of women in business travel is healthy. The 2022 winit summit and gala had 446 participants and eight education sessions with 26 presenters - session topics included mentorship, allyship, storytelling, and transferable skills. The Gbta winit awards recognizes the achievement of women who lead, inspire, and motivate. They are extraordinary women who are respected for their leadership, resilience, and confidence. We are thrilled to celebrate these high-caliber women globally, along with the allies and companies who support these women. The 2022 winit awards recognized 50 top women in travel.