Program areas at Gcsaa Foundation
Provide grants for the purpose of the development of new continuing education with an environmental focus. Scholarships are awarded annually to students pursuing careers in the golf course industry, future turfgrass researchers and educators, and children and grandchildren of Gcsaa members. All scholarships are awarded according to a list of criteria, including academic achievement, extracurricular and community involvement, leadership and outside employment. Scholarship applications are evaluated by the scholarship committee, except in the case of scholarships to children and grandchildren of Gcsaa members, which are evaluated by an independent committee of three educators.
Provides online access to more than 190 best management practices, case studies, and environmental profiles. These prove the golf course's important role in the environment & sustainability efforts. With the ever increasing regulatory and legislative pressures on land use, water use, energy consumption, and nutrient and pesticide use; this funding allows Gcsaa to be a voice for the superintendent profession and the golf industry by telling golf's story on a national level. These stories highlight the key economic, environmental and social/recreational benefits of golf.
Collect and publish data on every aspect of golf course management from an environmental perspective that provides a comprehensive analysis of golf course land use and environmental stewardship efforts. The Foundation grants awards for applied agronomic and environmental research to provide information to improve the quality of golf courses, while minimizing the impact on the environment.
Provide financial assistance to Gcsaa members who have suffered personal loss or hardship due to natural disasters such as hurricanes, tornadoes, flooding or wildfires.