EIN 24-0862246

Geisinger Community Medical Center

IRS 501(c) type
Num. employees
Year formed
Most recent tax filings
NTEE code, primary
Geisinger Community Medical Center is a tax-exempt, Pennsylvania not-for-profit corporation that strives to make better health easier by providing access to affordable, high quality health services through equitable, innovative, and inclusive care models that support patient care, education, research, & community service. It is a 293-bed facility located in Danville, PA.
Also known as...
Community Medical Center
Total revenues
Total expenses
Total assets
Num. employees

Program areas at Geisinger Community Medical Center

I. General information Community Medical Center (cmc), doing business as Geisinger Community Medical Center (gcmc), is a tax-exempt, Pennsylvania not-for-profit corporation organized under section 501(c)(3) of the internal revenue code. Gcmc is a 265-bed acute care hospital in scranton, pa. Originally called hahnemann hospital, it was founded in 1897 by a group of 15 philanthropic women. The hospital was scranton's first and currently only acute care hospital dedicated to serving the Community and their health needs through a charitable purpose. Gcmc continues to provide the Community with a variety of services as part of an integrated health care delivery system. This continuum of care includes preventive, ambulatory, inpatient and emergency services. Gcmc is a noted regional referral Center with comprehensive acute care Medical services and has developed many specific areas of expertise. Patient origin and service area: the hospital's primary service area is comprised of lackawanna, luzerne, and wayne counties. Secondary service areas include monroe, pike, susquehanna, and Wyoming counties. Ii. Major program service activities specialized / regional services, centers of excellence: gcmc is the only level ii trauma Center in lackawanna county. The northeast pa trauma Center, designated by the Pennsylvania trauma systems foundation in 1988, provides 24-hour comprehensive surgical intervention for critically injured patients. The trauma Center is staffed continuously by an emergency physician, trauma surgeon, and nurses certified in critical care, trauma, orthopedics, and the neurosciences. Cardiology services at the hospital include the region's first electrophysiology lab and an open-heart surgery Center as well as a cardiac rehab program. The non-invasive cardiovascular department is accredited in adult transthoracic echocardiography by the intersocietal accreditation commission (iac). Gcmc is also a certified carotid stent facility and certified heart attack receiving Center. Gcmc cardiology has earned the american heart association's mission: lifeline heart attack receiving Center award and highmark's blue distinction Center+ for cardiac care. In 2019, gcmc opened a 4 million heart and vascular Center. This brand new 10,000 square foot clinic features 22 exam rooms and streamlines cardiology, cardiac, and thoracic surgery at gcmc. In 2022 gcmc earned the comprehensive heart attack Center certification from the joint commission and the american heart association, joining Geisinger Wyoming valley Medical Center and Geisinger Medical Center as the first three hospitals in the country to become certified. Neurosciences at gcmc specializes in the care of people with brain and sense organ disorders. Gcmc was awarded with the american stroke association's get with the guidelines gold plus quality achievement award with target: stroke honor roll elite and type 2 diabetes honor roll. Gcmc also earned the joint commission's gold seal of approval for certification as a primary stroke Center (only one of 54 Medical centers in Pennsylvania to obtain this). In addition, gcmc is the only hospital in the region to offer a 10-bed adult inpatient epilepsy monitoring unit. Other specialized services include: interventional radiology the hospital's interventional radiology suite offers a state-of-the-art space for minimally invasive surgical procedures that treat vascular issues, trauma, cancers, uterine fibroids, kidney stones and other conditions. The 2.9 million, 2,110-square-foot space boasts advanced, high-tech imaging equipment for more precise imaging, better diagnoses and more focused treatment. Comprehensive bariatrics program scranton-area residents coping with severe obesity and obesity-related health disorders don't have to travel far to find high-quality care that goes well beyond traditional weight-loss surgery with gcmc's provencare bariatric program. The program offers more than just surgery - it's an entire pathway of care that starts with a full Medical screening and evaluation by a nutritionist. Patients in the program receive several months of care, including behavior modification strategies, nutrition and exercise therapy and group education services before their surgery. Gcmc's program is nationally accredited by the metabolic and bariatric surgery accreditation and quality improvement program, the only one in lackawanna county. General surgery gcmc's general surgeons perform laparoscopic and open bariatrics, laparoscopic bowel resections, minimally invasive cardiac surgery, minimally invasive spinal surgery, robotic-assisted surgery, and minimally invasive and endovascular procedures on heart valves. Surgeons in gcmc's hybrid or are performing radiologically assisted vascular procedures, and gcmc offers the most up-to-date approach to hip arthroplasty in the country. In 2023 gcmc was listed in u.s. news & world report best hospitals rankings for heart failure, kidney failure, stroke, copd, knee replacement. Cancer Center opened in september 2016, the henry cancer Center scranton campus is a 6,500-square-foot cancer Center offers Medical oncology services such as chemotherapy, blood therapies and infusion medications. The 2.1 million space features a softly lit waiting area, its own pharmacy stocked for the unique needs of cancer patients, 7 exam rooms and 11 infusion bays with heated chairs to increase patient comfort. Labor and delivery in october 2019, gcmc began delivering babies again. The 15 million maternity Center offers the combined expertise of ob/gyns and certified nurse midwives (cnms) to allows expectant mothers to tailor their birth plan to their preferences and have the resources to deviate from that plan if necessary; features 8 spacious suites designed for labor, delivery and recovery, birthing balls, hydrotherapy tubs and state-of-the-art monitoring technology. Since it's opening, the childbirth Center at gcmc has been successful in keeping the number of cesarean births below the state average. Geisinger viewmont outpatient ancillary services under the name of Geisinger viewmont, gcmc offers a comprehensive set of outpatient lab, radiology, and physical and occupational therapy services at convenient locations throughout lackawanna county. With expanded hours and weekend appointments, gcmc provides these critical testing and therapy services to patients for timely results. Other services gcmc also offers a same-day outpatient surgery Center, an orthopedic trauma program, a full suite of radiology and laboratory services, pulmonology, wound care and hyperbaric oxygen chamber treatments, and physical, occupational, and speech therapy. In october 2020, gcmc opened their new progressive care unit featuring 18 private rooms and a nursing care model that allows for direct oversight of all patients. The unit is part of a 16m project that begins gcmc's process of shifting to a private-room model. In august 2023, Geisinger behavioral health Center northeast began seeing patients. The 96-bed facility provides care for adult, pediatric and adolescent patients who struggle with acute symptoms of behavioral health disorders such as anxiety, depression, bipolar disorder, psychosis and posttraumatic stress disorder. Behavioral health Center northeast was built to help address the increased need for mental health care in Pennsylvania. According to data from the national alliance on mental illness (nami), 1 in 5 u.s. Adults experience mental illness each year. Three out of 5 Pennsylvania communities do not have enough mental health providers, and more than 1.8 million adults in Pennsylvania have a mental health condition. In september 2023, Geisinger orthopaedics and sports medicine scranton opened its second phase in the marketplace at steamtown. The 83,000 square-foot facility is the largest bone, muscle and joint care facility in lackawanna county. In addition to sports medicine and orthopaedic care for all ages, orthopaedics and sports medicine scranton offers podiatry, wound care and physical and occupational therapy. Awards and recognitions in 2023 newsweek's list of high performance in heart failure, heart attack and stroke american heart association's mission: lifeline stemi receiving Center gold plus recognition named "birthing-friendly" hospital by biden administration iii. Program service accomplishments uncompensated care: gcmc recognizes that its mission is to serve all the members of the Community with respect to the provision of healthcare services and healthcare education. Gcmc provides quality Medical healthcare regardless of race, religion, ethnicity, sexual orientation, gender identity, handicap, age or ability to pay. In this regard, gcmc provides free care or subsidized care, to persons covered by governmental programs at or below cost and provides various health activities and programs in support of the communities where gcmc practices. A. charity care the primary concern of gcmc is the delivery of h

Who funds Geisinger Community Medical Center

Grants from foundations and other nonprofits
Sabia Family FoundationTo Further Designated Work of Organization$500

Personnel at Geisinger Community Medical Center

Kevin RobertsExecutive Vice President , Chief Financial Officer , Treasurer$0
Navneet S DangInterim Chief Marketing Officer$0
Gary SebastianelliCrna , Lead / Crna , Lead / Crna , Lead / Crna , Lead / Crna , Lead / Crna , Lead / Lead Crna$371,203
John DitchkusCrna , Pasnap$329,423
Maria McGrawCrna , Lead / Crna , Lead / Crna , Lead / Crna , Lead / Crna , Lead / Crna , Lead / Lead Crna$417,907
...and 12 more key personnel

Financials for Geisinger Community Medical Center

RevenuesFYE 12/2023
Total grants, contributions, etc.$14,057,056
Program services$507,070,216
Investment income and dividends$2,445,389
Tax-exempt bond proceeds$0
Royalty revenue$0
Net rental income$-345,628
Net gain from sale of non-inventory assets$1,661,085
Net income from fundraising events$0
Net income from gaming activities$0
Net income from sales of inventory$0
Miscellaneous revenues$2,529,948
Total revenues$527,418,066

Form 990s for Geisinger Community Medical Center

Fiscal year endingDate received by IRSFormPDF link
2023-122024-11-15990View PDF
2022-122023-11-14990View PDF
2021-122022-11-07990View PDF
2020-122021-11-11990View PDF
2020-062021-05-25990View PDF
...and 10 more Form 990s

Organizations like Geisinger Community Medical Center

Concord HospitalConcord, NH$623,479,394
Greater Baltimore Medical Center (GBMC)Baltimore, MD$624,667,819
The Christ Hospital Health NetworkCincinnati, OH$1,300,788,434
Hoag Memorial Hospital PresbyterianNewport Beach, CA$1,646,507,596
Tampa General Hospital (TGH)Tampa, FL$2,356,345,813
St. Lukes Hospital of Kansas CityKansas City, MO$1,021,262,170
Essentia Health DuluthDuluth, MN$701,753,513
Conway Medical CenterConway, SC$323,204,485
Kent HospitalProvidence, RI$646,011,139
Meritus Medical CenterHagerstown, MD$563,370,299
Data update history
January 4, 2024
Posted financials
Added Form 990 for fiscal year 2022
January 4, 2024
Updated personnel
Identified 2 new personnel
July 28, 2023
Posted financials
Added Form 990 for fiscal year 2021
July 6, 2023
Updated personnel
Identified 1 new personnel
July 1, 2023
Posted financials
Added Form 990 for fiscal year 2020
Nonprofit Types
HospitalsHealth organizationsHeadquarter / parent organizations
LobbyingOperates internationallyState / local levelReceives government fundingEndowed supportCommunity engagement / volunteeringTax deductible donationsAccepts online donations
General information
100 N Academy Ave MC 49-70
Danville, PA 17822
Metro area
Bloomsburg-Berwick, PA
Montour County, PA
Website URL
(570) 271-6624
Facebook page
Twitter profile
IRS details
Fiscal year end
Taxreturn type
Form 990
Year formed
Eligible to receive tax-deductible contributions (Pub 78)
NTEE code, primary
E22: Hospital, General
NAICS code, primary
622: Hospitals
Parent/child status
Central organization
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