EIN 23-1996150

Geisinger Wyoming Valley Medical Center

IRS 501(c) type
Num. employees
Year formed
Most recent tax filings
NTEE code, primary
To enhance quality of life through an integrated health service organization based on a balanced program of patient care, education, research and community service.
Total revenues
Total expenses
Total assets
Num. employees

Program areas at Geisinger Wyoming Valley Medical Center

I.general information Geisinger Wyoming Valley Medical Center (gwv), a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit corporation and member of Geisinger health, owns and operates a 328-bed acute care hospital with advanced tertiary services in wilkes-barre, pa. gwv's convenient location near several major highways makes it accessible from all areas of northeastern Pennsylvania. Gwv is a magnet-designated facility, fully accredited by the joint commission, and is an accredited level i trauma Center, joint commission-certified comprehensive heart attack Center and joint commission-certified comprehensive stroke Center offering emergency and trauma care 24 hours a day. The facility opened in 1981 as the npw Medical Center of n.e. Pennsylvania, inc., and the name changed to Geisinger Wyoming Valley Medical Center in 1985. Gwv provides quality Medical care regardless of race, creed, sex, national origin, handicap, age or ability to pay. Ii. Major program service activities one of the outstanding services offered by Geisinger Wyoming Valley Medical Center are the comprehensive women's and children's services. The Medical Center's obstetrics unit features the area's only sub-specialty, fellowship-trained reproductive endocrinologist/infertility specialist as well as a maternal-fetal medicine specialist. Geisinger Wyoming Valley's maternal fetal medicine service is for mothers and families facing complex, high risk pregnancies and features ultrasound, non-stress testing, complex fetal monitoring, and genetic counseling. Gwv was also the first hospital in the area to offer labor, delivery, recovery, post-partum (lrdp) suites for expectant parents and offers two dedicated c- section surgical suites. The women's unit was expanded in 2011 to provide 15 additional private rooms equipped with the most advanced technology for postpartum and postoperative care, as well as two new labor triage areas for enhanced labor and delivery capabilities. Gwv also offers a 13-bed level iii neonatal intensive care unit (nicu), the only location in luzerne county providing this level of intensive care for premature infants and other babies in need of highly specialized Medical care. The janet weis children's hospital pediatrics unit at gwv provides numerous pediatric sub-specialty services. Pediatric hospitalist physicians staff the 7-bed unit. Gwv's Medical staff also includes a fellowship trained pediatric cardiologist. Gwv is a blue distinction Center+ (bdc+) in maternity care by highmark blue cross and blue shield for meeting quality-focused criteria that emphasize patient safety and outcomes regarding both vaginal and cesarean deliveries. Blue distinction centers+ have a proven track-record for delivering better results, including fewer complications and readmissions. The gwv campus also consists of several specialty centers. Opened in march 2024, Geisinger Medical office building Wyoming Valley houses lab, radiology and retail pharmacy services along with outpatient practices for general surgery, vascular surgery, pulmonary medicine, infectious diseases, adult and pediatric neurology, neurosurgery, neurophysiology, otolaryngology (ear, nose and throat), audiology, gastroenterology, nephrology and transplant surgery outreach in a state-of-the-art 165,000 square-foot facility. The 42,000-square-foot Geisinger east mountain specialty clinic at 1155 east mountain boulevard makes it easy for patients to access outpatient services such as convenientcare walk-in clinic, dermatology/mohs, general internal medicine, obstetrics & gynecology (ob/gyn), podiatry, pre-surgical testing, reproductive endocrinology, urogynecology and women's health. There is also the precision health Center opened as a campus of gwv to house Geisinger's genomic medicine institute, the autism and developmental medicine institute (admi) and research in northeastern Pennsylvania. The 178,000 square foot critical care building features a 24/7 emergency department with trauma services, rooftop helipad, and intensive care unit (icu). The emergency department contains a rapid evaluation area to help the team evaluate up to six more patients at a time and direct them to the appropriate level of emergency care. The critical care building also houses Geisinger Wyoming Valley's high-tech surgical suites, including luzerne county's first endovascular operating suite and the davinci robot to perform advanced minimally invasive procedures. In february 2013, a 24- bed, 24,000-square-foot progressive care unit (pcu) opened on the building's fifth floor to care for patients who require a higher level of care but do not need intensive care. The richard and marion pearsall heart hospital at gwv opened in october 2001. It is dedicated to bringing the latest technology used in the treatment of heart and vascular disease to the people of northeastern Pennsylvania. Three cardiac catheterization laboratories offer advanced treatments to patients with heart disease, including a primary angioplasty program and advanced technology to open and repair blocked vessels. There is also an electrophysiology suite that includes two catheterization laboratories and eight remodeled patient rooms to offer the latest advances in the treatment of heart rhythm disorders. The pearsall heart hospital offers ancillary cardiac testing, physician care, as well as a nine-bed step-down unit and an eight-bed outpatient unit used for pre and post cardiac catheterization recovery. The pearsall heart hospital is home to gwv's cardiology, cardiothoracic surgery and vascular surgery departments and includes an intersocietal accreditation commission (iac) accredited noninvasive diagnostic laboratory. In 2014, gwv became the first regional hospital to receive the joint commission's gold seal of approval for left ventricular assist device (lvad) technology, which provides lifesaving care for heart failure patients. Gwv is a bdc+ in cardiac care. The frank and dorothea henry cancer Center provides multidisciplinary and comprehensive care including consultations, diagnosis and treatment for all types of adult cancers. Gwv's cancer program provides hematology, as well as Medical, surgical and radiation oncology services, clinical trials and cancer genetic counseling. The program has earned a full four-year approval by the commission on cancer of the american college of surgeons. Gwv is certified by the quality oncology practice initiative (qopi) certification program, an affiliate of the american society of clinical oncology (asco) for outpatient hematology-oncology practices. In 2018, gwv added a 4.5 million truebeam cancer treatment system for fast, precise, non-invasive radiation treatment of complex cancers in only a few sessions. In 2020, gwv completed the construction and installation of the 6.5 million cyberknife radiation therapy system; the only one currently in the region and Geisinger. In march 2022, a major expansion was completed. The now 92,000 square-foot facility has a revamped lobby, blood draw services, 44 infusion bays and 6 apheresis treatment spaces, of which several can flex as infusion if needed. The radiation oncology suite has been reinforced with 15 new exam rooms, two linear accelerators and the cyberknife system. There was also an 18-bed oncology unit added for advanced inpatient care complex blood cancers like leukemias and lymphomas. All renovations came together to form a state-of-the-art facility equipped with the latest technology and expanded treatment options, with connectivity to the hospital in the event rapid access is needed for a Medical emergency. Also located in the henry cancer Center is the Center for women's imaging. The Center offers a full range of diagnostic services at one convenient location designed exclusively for women. Services include digital mammography, ultrasound, dxa scan bone density testing, stereotactic breast biopsy and a comprehensive breast program. The breast program offers a multi-disciplinary approach to diagnosing and treating breast disease. A dedicated nurse navigator and a team of surgeons, radiologists, pathologists and oncologists collaborate in one convenient location to speed treatment and care. Gwv is accredited by the american college of surgeons' national accreditation program for breast centers (napbc) and a designated breast imaging Center of excellence (bicoe) by the american college of radiology (acr). In february 2023, gwv opened the comprehensive breast Center (cbc), which offers state-of-the-art breast imaging for screening and diagnostic studies such as mammography, tomosynthesis and ultrasound, as well as advanced imaging, such as breast mri. Breast surgical services will include clinical breast exams, evaluation and treatment of benign and malignant breast conditions and breast cancer risk assessment and treatment including chemoprevention. Biopsy procedures, like minimally invasive diagnostic core biopsies, are also performed. The radiology department offers a comprehensive im

Who funds Geisinger Wyoming Valley Medical Center

Grants from foundations and other nonprofits
Geisinger Health FoundationCapital/prog Service$1,545,543
Penina Bright TR Fbo GeisingerGeneral Support$5,054

Personnel at Geisinger Wyoming Valley Medical Center

Kevin RobertsExecutive Vice President , Chief Financial Officer , Treasurer$0
Karlyn B PagliaChief Marketing Officer$0
Steven Rhone Ne-Bc FabcVice President , Chief Nursing Officer$345,111
Carla ScofieldRadiation Physicist / Radiation PH / Radiation Physicist / Radiation PH / Radiation PH / Radiation Physicist / Radiation Physicist / Radiation PH / Radiation Physicist / Radiation P / Radiation P / Radiation Physicist / Radiation P / Radiation P / Radiation Physicist$232,010
Eileen G TengcoFormer 5 Highest / Physician , Pediatric$173,644
...and 16 more key personnel

Financials for Geisinger Wyoming Valley Medical Center

RevenuesFYE 12/2023
Total grants, contributions, etc.$7,964,824
Program services$889,660,335
Investment income and dividends$1,812,982
Tax-exempt bond proceeds$0
Royalty revenue$0
Net rental income$-44,285
Net gain from sale of non-inventory assets$1,630,160
Net income from fundraising events$0
Net income from gaming activities$0
Net income from sales of inventory$0
Miscellaneous revenues$4,737,148
Total revenues$905,761,164

Form 990s for Geisinger Wyoming Valley Medical Center

Fiscal year endingDate received by IRSFormPDF link
2023-122024-11-15990View PDF
2022-122023-11-14990View PDF
2021-122022-11-07990View PDF
2020-122021-11-11990View PDF
2020-062021-05-28990View PDF
...and 10 more Form 990s

Organizations like Geisinger Wyoming Valley Medical Center

Essentia Health DuluthDuluth, MN$701,753,513
Tampa General Hospital (TGH)Tampa, FL$2,356,345,813
MaineHealth (MMC)Portland, ME$3,690,471,384
Monument Health Rapid City HospitalRapid City, SD$912,569,914
St Barnabas Hospital (SBH)Bronx, NY$573,321,036
Meritus Medical CenterHagerstown, MD$563,370,299
Kent HospitalProvidence, RI$646,011,139
Conway Medical CenterConway, SC$323,204,485
Geisinger Community Medical CenterDanville, PA$527,418,066
Hartford HospitalHartford, CT$2,582,241,968
Data update history
May 18, 2024
Received grants
Identified 1 new grant, including a grant for $5,054 from Penina Bright TR Fbo Geisinger
January 18, 2024
Posted financials
Added Form 990 for fiscal year 2022
December 28, 2023
Used new vendors
Identified 2 new vendors, including , and
December 25, 2023
Received grants
Identified 1 new grant, including a grant for $654,691 from Geisinger Health Foundation
July 27, 2023
Posted financials
Added Form 990 for fiscal year 2021
Nonprofit Types
HospitalsHealth organizationsHeadquarter / parent organizations
LobbyingOperates internationallyReceives government fundingEndowed supportCommunity engagement / volunteeringTax deductible donationsAccepts online donations
General information
100 N Academy Ave MC 49-70
Danville, PA 17822
Metro area
Bloomsburg-Berwick, PA
Montour County, PA
Website URL
(800) 275-6401
Facebook page
Twitter profile
IRS details
Fiscal year end
Taxreturn type
Form 990
Year formed
Eligible to receive tax-deductible contributions (Pub 78)
NTEE code, primary
E22: Hospital, General
NAICS code, primary
622: Hospitals
Parent/child status
Central organization
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