Program areas at Geminus Corporation
Lake county emergency rental assistance: the lake county emergency rental assistance program is dedicated to providing rental and utility assistance to renter households adversely affected by the coronavirus (covid-19) outbreak in lake county, Indiana.
The community behavioral health network (cbhn): is comprised of a community mental health center in northwest Indiana with 2 offices located in lake county and a statewide family services agency headquartered in bloomington, Indiana. Cbhn is certified by the Indiana division of mental health and addictions (dmha) as a managed care provider to administer state funded plans. Geminus is a managed care provider under a contract with the Indiana division of mental health and addictions.
Head start/early head start: a free comprehensive interdisciplinary, preschool child development program for eligible children and their family members. Head start serves children ages 3 to 5 and early head start services 0 to 3 and pregnant women throughout lake and porter counties in Indiana and serves preschoolers with a diagnosed disability. Since 1997, Geminus has been the grantee for head start in lake and porter counties in Indiana. Fiscal year 2023 head start funded enrollment grantee and delegate slots totaling 1,364 and 200 community partner slots, including early head start in lake and porter counties in Indiana. Donated services and use of facility not included in expenses on the tax return includes amounts valued at $4,165,847.56.
Administrative services: Geminus serves as a cost effective provider of Management and administrative services to affiliates and other not-for-profit organizations.
Prevention services: the prevention services aim to reduce alcohol, tobacco, marijuana, and other illicit drug use among lake county residents and throughout Indiana. The program also provides training and education in suicide awareness and prevention and truancy reduction in local schools. Geminus works to accomplish this mission through education and training of youths and adults as well as through funding of youth organizations and community agencies that share the Geminus vision.
The daily bread program: supports providers of nutritious meals and snacks served to eligible children who are enrolled for care at participating child care centers including head start.