Program areas at Generations United
Grandfamilies projects: the organization's national center on grandfamilies works to promote policies and programs to help grandfamilies address the range of challenges they face including those related to housing, legal, education, health and mental health, family relationships, and financial issues.the grandfamilies & kinship support network is a national technical assistance center that helps government agencies and nonprofit organizations in states, tribes, and territories to collaborate and work across jurisdictional and systemic boundaries to improve supports and services for families in which grandparents, other relatives, or close family friends are raising children. Technical assistance is provided through individual, targeted help to government and nonprofit agencies; professional development programming; learning collaboratives; in-depth technical assistance; and through resources, tipsheets, toolkits, and videos which are housed in an expansive resource library on the network's website. The technical assistance center is funded through a five-year cooperative agreement with the u.s. department of health and human services' administration for community living (acl).
Public education: the program includes identifying best intergenerational practices, producing reports, speaking and writing, working with the media, and sharing information about grandparents raising grandchildren. In addition, the organization hosts a biennial conference that features new releases in intergenerational research, policies and practices.
Intergenerational programs: the organization supports the development and expansion of intergenerational programs bringing children, youth, and older adults together, acts as a clearinghouse for information on different types of intergenerational programs, provides technical assistance, and makes a case for local programs across the country and around the world.
Special projects the organization is committed to increasing intergenerational programs and strategies to connect, support, and promote understanding across Generations and often does this through special projects.
Membership services the organization's members help promote the mission to serve all Generations while elevating their visibility as an organization that impacts all ages.