Program areas at Georges River Land Trust
The land protection program serves the membership of GRLT and participating landowners by working to protect high value conservation lands throughout the St George River Watershed. GRLT has a community-based approach to land protection, which is guided by strategic planning and operated in compliance with land trust alliance standards and practices. GRLT focuses its land conservation efforts in the highest value areas of the watershed as determined through a conservation planning process. The land protection program collaborates with the stewardship program on community and landowner outreach, stewardship budgets, baseline data for protected lands, easement amendments and landowner visits. GRLT participates in a variety of forums, including meetings with landowners and their advisors, partnerships with organizations and agencies, communications with the GRLT Board of Directors, Committee members and donors, and public speaking opportunities at regional and statewide venues.
The Langlais Sculpture Preserve is responsible for collaborating with artists, environmentalists, educators, and curators to provide arts- and nature-related programming that is enriching, accessible, climate-conscious, and community-oriented. They display, interpret, and maintain a group of Langlais's site-specific outdoor sculptures, his workshop, tools, and related art and ephemera. Provide public, year-round access to the Preserve and recreational experiences that celebrate the natural resources of the Cushing peninsula.
The stewardship program is responsible for the management of fee-owned preserves and conservation easements. GRLT has a community-based approach to the land stewardship program, which is guided by strategic planning and operated in compliance with land trust alliance standards & practices. GRLT works to accomplish established goals and collaborates with the land protection program on cummunity and landowner outreach, baseline data for preserves, annual monitoring of easements and preserves, easement amendments and landowner visits.