Program areas at Georgia Cattlemen's Associationinc
Magazine - to publish the Association's monthly magazine for members. The magazine has articles and advertisements promoting the beef industry in Georgia.
General memberships - activities include educating members, promoting beef and attracting youth to career opportunities in cattle breeding.
Georgia bull test program - sponsors testing stations to evaluate the performance of young bulls and identify traits of superior bulls.
Georgia herd test program - sponsors testing of heifers to evaluate the performance and identify traits of superior heifers.
Convention - to host events and speakers for the educational benefit of members.
Other management services - providing resources to Georgia beef board, Inc. for the further promotion and education of the Georgia beef industry.
Other program service - (services include: Georgia junior cattlemen, cow/calf stocker council, conservation coalition, Georgia cattlewomen's Association, uga shortcourses, and Georgia allied industry) - activities include: promote and educate youth and female industry leaders, promote the background and finishing of cattle, and account for transactions on behalf of the Georgia grazing lands conservation coalition.