Program areas at Georgia Historical Society
Education and outreach programs - ghs teaches Georgia and americanhistory to teachers, students, and general audiences through thedelivery of professional development programs for educators (k-12 andcollege faculty), development and distribution of classroom resourcesfor teachers, "today in Georgia history", and the annual georgiahistory festival. In addition, ghs makes history accessible to diverseaudiences, including tourists, through the delivery of statewidelectures featuring nationally recognized historians, management of thestatewide Historical marker program, and through its affiliate chapterprogram which provides technical services and program support to localhistorical organizations statewide.
Telling the story of Georgia for nearly two centuries: ghs has been publishing Georgia history almost since its founding and it remains committed to this vital part of our mission. In 1840, in an effort to facilitate research on Georgia history and increase access to its collections, ghs launched an ambitious publications program, which initially consisted of transcribing and publishing many of its most significant manuscripts. Since 1917 ghs has been publishing the Georgia Historical quarterly, a scholarly publication featuring articles, book reviews, photo essays, and edited primary materials related to Georgia history. Today, the quarterly is recognized as the journal of record for Georgia history and as one of the finest state Historical publications in the nation. Ghs also publishes Georgia history today, a popular history newsmagazine dedicated to examining the ongoing presence of the past. Georgia history today explores efforts underway around the state to promote history, including articles on some of the fascinating documents and artifacts in our collection, historic sites, new books being published, and the programs and activities of our affiliates throughout Georgia. It also focuses on the many georgians who are making a difference in how history is preserved and taught, both through their time and their resources.
Library and archives services - a major research center, the ghslibrary and archives is home to the most distinguished collection ofprimary and secondary source materials related exclusively to georgiahistory in the nation. Manuscript, map, artifact, portrait, and photorecords are searchable via online research tools, including an onlineimage database and opac. In addition, researchers (teachers, students,scholars, and history enthusiasts) are invited to conduct on-siteresearch in the hodgson hall reading room where professional archivistsand reference staff provide direct access to primary and secondarysource materials held within the ghs collection.
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