Program areas at Gerontological Society of America
Grants and strategic initiatives: gsa fulfilled the requirements on a grant for the reframing aging initiative; a grant to support the annual scientific meeting (asm) biological sciences programming; and a grant to support for the journalist in aging fellows program.gsa has established itself as a convener of multi-stakeholder collaborations in the field of aging; these include the national adult vaccination program, communicating effectively with older adults: what really works online training module series, and such initiatives as otc medication behaviors of older adults; otc sleep aids and sleep health in older adults; otc medication reconciliation for older adults; cognitive impairment detection and earlier diagnosis; pain management; malnutrition; oral health: and human-animal interaction and healthy light of the growing demands of the older adult population, a gsa corporate leaders forum works strategically with the Society to address the multi-faceted issues impacting aging research, education, practice enterprise, and business models. Tackling the issues and challenges being placed on industry, government, the healthcare system, communities, families, and individuals, the panel identifies solutions that address the ever-growing need for innovative technology, products, services, and support.
Publications: the Society publishes several peer-reviewed journals: innovation and aging, the gerontologist, the journals of gerontology series a: biological and medical sciences, and the journals of gerontology, series b: psychological and social sciences. These publications provide researchers in the field of gerontology the opportunity to share their findings. Gsa's public policy institute publishes the public policy & aging report. This publication explores policy issues generated by the aging of american Society.
Meetings: the Society hosts an annual scientific meeting each november. Collaborations in the field of aging; these include disseminating the kaer model for earlier detection and treatment of dementia, implementing the kaer model for obesity & overweight, hosting the national adult vaccination program and concentric value of vaccinations program, communicating effectively with older adults, and oral care for older adults.
Member activities: the Society provides its 5,500 members with the opportunity to present their research findings, and learn about the research findings of others, at its annual scientific meeting. Sessions on research, education and practice related to all facets of aging and the aging processes are featured. The Society also provides members with a monthly newsletter, gerontology news, regular e-mail updates, gsa announcements, both of which cover the latest news in the profession and updates members about the Society's activities. Gsa connect fosters interdisciplinary collaboration and learning. The Society has a robust awards program to recognize excellence in the fields of gerontology and Gerontological research. The academy for gerontology in higher education (aghe) provides leadership and support of gerontology and geriatrics education faculty and students at educational institutions.
Public policy: gsa's public policy outreach is responsible for developing and managing the Society's relationships with 1) other organizations in the aging arena, including serving as a liaison to assigned partner organizations; 2) major programs and projects with philanthropic and government funding organizations; and 3) policy-related activities and the national academy on an aging Society.