Program areas at Girl Scouts - North Carolina Coastal Pines
Girl scout leadership experience - Girl Scouts is the preeminent leadership development organization for girls. And with programs from coast to coast and across the globe, Girl Scouts offers every Girl a chance to practice a lifetime of leadership, adventure, and success. With a mission of building girls of courage, confidence, and character, who make the world a better place, we pride ourselves in providing girls with opportunities to learn about themselves and the world around them so that they can become strong leaders and changemakers in their communities and beyond. Girl Scouts gives girls the building blocks they need to succeed in all that they aim to accomplish. Girl Scouts North Carolina Coastal Pines (gs-nccp) is one of 110 Girl scout councils and serves 41 counties across central and eastern North Carolina, proudly reflecting the communities served with 39% of the Girl members of gs-nccp identifying themselves as racially or ethnically diverse. In 2022-2023 gs-nccp served a total of 25,599 members, girls and adults. Through our program, our girls are able to engage in the Girl scout leadership experience, which includes a collection of exciting and challenging activities like earning badges, going on awesome trips, learning through the Girl scout cookie program, exploring science, getting outdoors, and doing community service projects and engaging in advocacy. Members from all 41 counties engaged in one or more of our 158 council-sponsored events, which were attended by 7,361 members. Resident camp was held at two camps this year with 1,190 campers, along with a variety of troop and family camp programming and day camps - we were thrilled to bring the camp experience to more than 1,900 girls! Gs-nccp has been committed to diversity, equity and inclusion. The organization takes pride in ensuring that Girl Scouts is accessible to all girls and that they embrace who they are. Through our community engagement efforts, our organization connects girls to Girl scouting by meeting them where they are to help ensure all girls have access to our life-enriching programs. Our programs designed around stem, outdoors, life skills, and entrepreneurship and built upon confidence building, community, and critical life skill development, will have lifelong impact on their future. In 2022-2023 gs-nccp brought Girl scouting to 4,774 girls who otherwise might have not had the resources to engage. Additionally, our mobile programming reaches to communities where distance and access to program opportunities might be obstacles. Through this unique programming brought to communities in central and eastern nc, over 1,222 participants engaged in hands-on, high tech, and inquiry-based activities that stretched their minds and enhanced their access to learning and new experiences. The Girl scout gold award, the highest and most prestigious achievement in Girl scouting, stands for excellence and leadership for girls everywhere. Gold award Girl Scouts must demonstrate significant leadership, collaboration and organizational skills and grow their communication and real-world problem-solving skillset as she stands up and take action for what she believes. Girl Scouts go above and beyond to make a difference in their community and the greater world. And the skills and experiences girls gain along the way set her up for future success in navigating the twists and turns of being a responsible citizen and community member. In 2022-2023, 39 high school-aged girls earned the Girl scout gold award. Additionally, younger girls also demonstrated commitment to their communities and gained confidence and skills while creating positive change. We also had 127 middle-school girls earn the silver award, and the bronze award was earned by approximately 404 girls in 4th and 5th grades. Girl Scouts provides a one-of-a-kind program that provides girls the opportunity to learn and grow, develop both self-confidence and awareness, learn about the world around her and develop a sense of belonging and inclusion to help her to be her best self. All at the same time, she is having fun, making friends and maintaining a healthy approach to life. Girl Scouts unleashes the best in every Girl, preparing her for a lifetime of leadership-from taking a night-time hike under the stars to accepting a mission on the international space station; from advocating on topics being considered by the city council with her troop, to holding a seat in congress; from running her own cookie business to running a fortune 100 company; from earning her coding badge today to tackling cybersecurity tomorrow. Through engagement with our program, girls transform their ideas into action, turn their questions into adventure, and grow their confidence through practice. Girl Scouts works. It's the best leadership experience for girls in the world for one very good reason: because it's girl-led!