Program areas at Girl Scouts of Eastern Oklahoma
Resident camp teaches girls self-reliance, outdoor skills, self confidence, courage and character building. Resident camp for summer 2023 included 6 weeks of programming and was attended by 600 girls.
Girl Scouts beyond bars (gsbb) exists to develop resilience, leadership skills, and healthy family bonds in girls whose parents are incarcerated in order to break the cycle of intergenerational incarceration. The gsbb program had 292 participants. Gsbb served 89 girls, 39 siblings and 58 mothers as well as serving 48 existing girls, 12 new girls, and 94 fathers through a dads & daughters pilot program aimed at expanding to connect girls with their incarcerated fathers.
The Girl scout cookie program is the largest girl-led entrepreneurial program for girls in the world. The program provides essential components of the Girl scout leadership experience (gsle) by helping girls develop five key skills: goal setting, decision making, money management, people skills and business ethics. 2,417 girls participated in the Girl scout cookie program.
Day camp offered 4 separate camps each 5 days in length with a total of 306 participants. Day camps teach appreciation of the outdoor environment, camping skills and team building. 120 other events, including canoe rendevous, aquarium overnight, thin mint sprint were offered to our Girl Scouts teaching the appreciation of art, high adventure, travel, leadership, stem, water sports, child care and various other programs, reaching 2,573 girls.