Program areas at GSOC
The Girl Scouts of Orange County operates a 700 acre year-round residential camp and 5 program centers, including irvine staff and retail shop,through which nearly 15,000 girls and 10,000 volunteers and adult members can benefit from Girl leadership development and skills-building activities through events,series, travel, camp and troop experiences and adult volunteer development opportunities.
Through a comprehensive volunteer management system, Girl Scouts of Orange County provides a systematic approach to volunteer engagement, beginning with recruitment and background screening.the system includes preparatory and ongoing training, as well as resources,including but not limited to, trained staff, program materials, financial resources, and safe program facilities for Girl program delivery. This system also includes coaching, evaluating and recognizing active adult volunteers who work in partnership with Orange County's girls to help them develop leadership values, skills, and abilities.
Girl Scouts is the nation's premiere leadership development program for girls from all cultures, zip codes and walks of life. The challenges girls face today are greater than ever and they affect all girls. There is evidence that girls are backing down and opting out of leadership positions. A recent report from the Girl scout research institute showed that a Girl's desire to lead is strongest when she is eight years old, yet declines dramatically when she is 16. With school funding continuing to decline, Girl scouting provides expanded leadership and learning opportunities for girls in areas that fill critical talent gaps like finance, science, technology, and the environment. Additionally the Girl scout cookie sale program is the nation's largest business and financial skills development program for girls.
The Girl Scouts of Orange County provides comprehensive membership services for nearly 25,000 girls, volunteers and adult members, including registration, finance, recognitions, staffing support, resources and supplies, advertising, promotional and marketing materials.