Program areas at Global Church Planting Network
Grant to Obor Cemerlang organization in Indonesia. This project pursues 40% annual increases in believers who are in groups through empowerment of leadership teams, community development and crisis relief, to create community solidarity in the growing community of believers.
Batam, Indonesia global consultation gathering scheduled in Feb 2024. These expenses include purchases of some airfares, visa processing costs, and hotel deposits. Revenue is $11,635 in gross fees collected from registrants. Much of the expense of this event will be incurred in 2024. This is a training, motivation, and collaboration gathering of about 230 delegates from most regions of the world.
Grant to FULNET organization in Burkina Faso. These funds were used for building a training/conference hall at Jam Tan. The primary purpose of this facility is for equipping church planters both in ministry and practical skills needed for effective multiplication of Christian churches.
Other program services are all grants made to organizations and individuals outside the USA (see Schedule F). These grants are for training/equipping of volunteers involved in the planting, growth and health of Christian churches, as well as some local travel and facility costs. Some relief assistance is also provided for church planters in disaster-stricken areas (i.e. Turkey quake)