Program areas at Global Entrepreneurship Network
Small business grant program - prompted by a Global pandemic forcing so many businesses to close, the Global Entrepreneurship Network immediately got to work finding ways to quickly get financial help directly into the hands of entrepreneurs. Thanks to partnerships with hello alice, antares capital, exelon bge, etsy uplift fund, fedex, kkr, mastercard and sonoma county alliance donors, gen was able to send nearly 7 million in grants to entrepreneurs from communities in both the united states and overseas.
Gen accelerates: gen accelerates is a cloud-based platform that provides capacity-building programming to accelerate the growth of nascent entrepreneurs as they start or scale a company. It also strengthens and grows local, national and regional Entrepreneurship ecosystems. Gen accelerates combines a virtual platform with plug-and-play curriculum and structured mentorship for entrepreneurs, accelerators and ecosystem gen policy: gen policy brings governments closer to firm founders and the organizations and ecosystems that support them at all stages of the public policy and program lifecycle, from identifying barriers to implementing solutions, offering opportunities for policy dialogue and peer advice, and sourcing evidence-based recommendations that can drive smart policy design and implementation startup huddle: startup huddle is a program designed to help build new startup ecosystems while one or two entrepreneurs in that community every week. Founders discover solutions to the challenges they face through purposeful engagement with a broad array of interested voices from their local community Global enterprise registration's eregistration and eregulations platforms offer nations with large informal economies not just new tools for more efficiently registering and regulating businesses, but an innovative new vision for how Entrepreneurship can drive citizens into the formal economy. By placing regulations online in one platform with eregulations or by automating them with eregistrations, offers policymakers and administrators a new model for entrepreneurs to interact with government agencies, comply with administrative regulations and implement regulatory policies and practices that are simple, quick and easy. This program is executed with the united nations. Gen also provides live events, including the Global Entrepreneurship congress (gec). The gec is a gathering of startup champions from around the world - where entrepreneurs, investors, entrepreneurial support organizations, researchers, thought leaders and policymakers share program and policy ideas and work together to bring ideas to life, drive economic growth and expand human welfare.
Equitable access program - gen and partner hello alice's commitment to ensuring that all entrepreneurs and small business owners have access to the capital they need to grow the sustainable businesses that power their communities and economies. The program provides increased credit access and financial education to high-potential underserved entrepreneurs with credit challenges. The program is run by gen and hello alice with key partners including wells fargo, jpmorgan chase, mastercard, and the kauffman foundation.