Program areas at Global Game Changers Children's Education Initiative
The school empowerment zone program brings together jcps title one elementary schools, cultural partners, and multiple community organizations to collaborate with Global Game Changers to meet the needs of our youngest most underserved citizens. Global Game Changers uses talent devlopment and service-learning as tools to build students social, emotional, leadership and academic growth. Students learn how they can ignite good and make a difference in their communities using ggc's prpprietary/trademarked superpower equation: my talent + my heart = my superpower this partnership serves as a 21st century skills wraparound model to promote intentional in-school, out-of-school, and family expanded learning programs to our most vulnerable youth. The program serves atrisk children from jcps elementary schools in louisville, ky that meet the following criteria: high percentage free & reduced meal plan students high-rate minority students, high degree of student behavioral issues, and high number of grade level academically underperforming students. The program is supported by jcps contract for services, americorps serve ky grant, the university of louisville college of Education, ky department of Education grant and grants from multiple local foundations. In 2023 the program served approximately 1,500 students in whitney young, byck, breckinrideg-franklin, king elementary, and rangeland elementary schools.
Global Game Changers online educator portal Global Game Changers student empowerment program launched a robust interactive online platform that provides educators and parents nationwide free access to ggc curriculum, professional development, evaluation, and program tools including a comprehensive repository of supplemental lessons, videos, and interactive educational tools. In 2023, we reached over 250,000 students, in 50 states and in 15 countries. Ggc programming drives the mission of providing enriching educational curriculum that empowers all children to discover their inner superpower to ignite good and make the world a better place. Using a unique proprietary/trademarked equation: my talent + my heart = my superpower ggc teaches talent development and servicelearning as tools to build character, leadership, and resilience in prek 5th grade students. Our goal is to empower successful, independent, and responsible leaders.