Program areas at Global Health Investment Corporation
The Corporation achieved final close of the Global Health Investment fund (ghif) on 19 december 2013, with capital commitments of $108,365,000. The Corporation serves as general partner/managing member of ghif, and the Corporation also provided a capital commitment to ghif alongside the other limited partners. Ghif's capital was invested into twelve portfolio investments during years 2012-2018. The Corporation managed ghif's portfolio company investments, both as general partner/managing member and since december 2023 through its affiliate ghic advisors, llc, which provides Investment advisory services to ghif, resulting in revenue to the fund and distributions to the organization and the other limited partners of the fund. (continued schedule o) (continued from part iii, 4a) in 2019, the Corporation made an Investment as limited partner in the adjuvant capital Global Health Investment fund de, in the amount of $22 2021, the Corporation made an Investment as limited partner in the women's and children's Health technology fund, in the amount of $10 million. The Corporation entered into a ten-year agreement with u.s. department of Health and human services office of the assistant secretary for preparedness and response's biomedical advanced research and development authority ("barda") to carry out activities that foster and accelerate the development and innovation of medical countermeasures. The agreement, unlike typical fee for service or cost reimbursement procurement grants, was structured as an other transaction agreement ("ota") under which barda may enter into transactions that are not subject to federal acquisition regulation. During 2021, the Corporation received $16.6 million in funding from barda under the ota, for activities to be conducted by the organization pursuant to the ota. The Corporation established a wholly owned Delaware limited liability company, the ghic Global Health security portfolio, llc (the "ghs portfolio llc"), to make venture investments in biotechnology companies and other organizations developing technologies that fall within the mission scope of the ota activities. In 2021, the Corporation made its initial Investment with barda funding, through the ghs portfolio llc, in the private equity securities of biolinq. The intent under the ota was that the investments made by and warehoused in the ghs portfolio llc would eventually be contributed, along with additional moneys from barda, to an Investment fund sponsored by the 2022, the Corporation received an additional $68.8 million in funding from barda pursuant to the ota. The Corporation also entered into a strategic collaboration arrangement with the mitre Corporation, pursuant to which mitre agreed to provide the Corporation with up to $10 million to be co-invested by the Corporation, alongside barda-provided funding, in venture investments made by the Corporation pursuant to the ota. During the course of 2022, the Corporation (through the ghs portfolio llc) made investments in ten additional biotechnology companies with barda- and mitre-provided capital. As of december 31, 2022, the total amount invested by the ghs portfolio llc in the eleven portfolio companies was $39 2023, the Corporation received an additional $164.6 million in funding from barda pursuant to the ota for venture Investment activities, bring its total barda funding for such activities to $250 million. The Corporation also entered into a memorandum of understanding with the coalition of epidemic preparedness innovations (cepi), under which the Corporation and cepi explored potential areas of collaboration, including with respect to investments in private companies that advance vaccine and medical countermeasure technologies for the benefit of Global Health and cepi's potential participation in an Investment fund sponsored by the Corporation. During 2023, the Corporation (through the ghs portfolio llc) made investments in additional biotechnology companies, as well as follow-on investments in existing portfolio companies, with barda- and mitre-provided capital. As of december 31, 2023, the total amount invested by the ghs portfolio llc in thirteen portfolio companies was $51 2023, the Corporation and barda also agreed to modify the ota to include, in addition to ongoing venture Investment activities, the establishment and operation by the Corporation of a "Health security innovation alliance" to identify, fund, and accelerate high-potential translational research through non-dilutive funding and academic collaborations. Barda provided $20 million to the Corporation under the ota to support these new december 2023, the Corporation also entered a grant agreement with kfw, the german government-affiliated development bank, under which kfw provided 30.5 million to fund, and the Corporation agreed to structure, host, and implement, a new catalytic Health Investment platform (chip). The Corporation and kfw intended chip to help close the funding gap regarding the development of and accessibility to innovative healthcare and life science products and technologies for populations in low- and middle-income countries by making (i) investments in eligible Investment funds, (ii) direct investments in eligible companies, and (iii) grants to eligible institutions in the Global Health ecosystem.