Program areas at Global Media Outreach
Global Media Outreach's ministry takes place online via websites, social media, and mobile apps. As such, expenses incurred for the three largest program accomplishments cannot be stated separately.(1)Reach: Global Media Outreach leverages Internet advertising on platforms such as Google, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, and many other Internet platforms to engage people with the Gospel through felt-need issues.In Fiscal Year 2023, we had over 201,000,000 Gospel presentations in over 13 languages across the globe.(2)Share: We share the Gospel on native social platforms or redirect people to a website landing page where they can hear the full Gospel and are presented with an opportunity to receive Christ as their Lord and Savior. In Fiscal year 2023, we had over 18,500,000 indicated decisions for Christ.(3)Grow: Global Media Outreach helps individuals grow in their faith with online resources available through our websites, social media, and email. Whether someone has just accepted Christ, rededicated their life to God, or still has questions, GMO also has thousands of volunteers who provide prayer, guidance, and discipleship. In Fiscal year 2023, we received over 1.5 million new contacts who wanted to engage more deeply to grow in their faith.In addition to this work, we made strategic investments in our discipleship response platform, PATH, to allow our volunteer online missionaries to engage better and track the progress of individuals who have spiritual questions or want to grow in their new faith. We also developed a robust training program for all our volunteer online missionaries and created new video ads and discipleship content. Lastly, we updated all our Explore God materials and technology to allow us to facilitate local community outreachinitiativesthrough local churches.