Program areas at Global Outreach
Congo for Christ, Uvira, Democratic Republic of Congo. Funding for food, housing, clothing, education, medical care for 74 orphans. Mango Tree School operating expenses and scholarships for 280 children and staff. Weekly feeding program for community children with estimated 100,000 meals served. University and vocational student scholarships for 10 students.
Feed My People, Tenali, Andra Pradesh, India. Funds for food, housing, education, health care needs of 275 orphan and vulnerable children. Monthly support of 60 indigenous pastors. Funding for construction of new children's home.
Agape Children's Home, Pone Htun Myanmar. Construction of Mission Training School to teach approximately 80 students per year. Care and feeding, education, medical, housing for 53 orphans and vulnerable children. Support of two indigenous pastors. Monthly operating costs of new Mission Training School. Purchase of generator. Funds to build security fence around property.
Fizi Children's Home and School. Fizi, Democratic Republic of Congo
Grace Children's Home, Chittagong, Bangladesh
Horizon of Hope Village, Manila, Philippines
Emmanuel Children's Home, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
House of Refuge, Yangon, Myanmar
Sameong Girls Home, Sameong Village Church, Sameong, Thailand
Mostar Church and Care Center, Mostar, Bosnia and Herzegovinia
Crown Childrens Home, Yangon, Myanmar
Other Direct Mission Expenses