Program areas at Global Strategies
Health & Technology: Global Strategies develops and implements innovative technological solutions that help our partners overcome the challenges of their limited resource settings. We focus on using simple and scalable technologies that allow healthcare providers to track their outcomes in real-time using cloud-based data collection software and analysis tools. We help our partners establish baseline data in neonatal mortality rates and stillbirth rates. Additionally, we use technology to track inventory of critical supplies and predict stock needs over time. We also work to bridge the gap between care delivery and data collection by developing software programs that facilitate care delivery while simultaneously collecting data that guides resource allocation. Global Strategies flagship effort is called NoviGuide Newborn Essentials, a point-of-care decision support application we created using our NoviGuide Platform. This software is used in Uganda and the Democratic Republic of Congo at a pace of 5000 assessments per year. In addition, we used the NoviGuide platform to create the Low-Dose Aspirin Educator, a shared-decision making tool for pregnant women at risk for preeclampsia. This is publicly available through a collaboration with the Preeclampsia Foundation and is used at a pace of approximately 800-900 uses per year.
Monitoring and Evaluation:Global Strategies follows the highest standard in monitoring and evaluating projects using a combination of direct site visits and innovative remote monitoring systems. Our work in this area has been recognized internationally. Global Strategies collects daily data from some of the most remote parts of Africa to fill critical data gaps and improve the data collection capacity of local partners.
Prevention & Care:Childrens AIDS Programs (CAP) - A pediatric HIV clinic at Heal Africa Hospital in Goma, Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), providing long term care for HIV affected children and postnatal care for HIV exposed infants 759 HIV affected children* received care. HIV care for mothers - Identification of HIV positive pregnant women, initiation of antiretroviral medication to prevent transmission and care was provided to 5955 women* at 26 clinics* in the DRC and Nigeria. Post exposure Prophylaxis (PEP) - Post rape medical care including HIV prevention, emergency contraception, sexually transmitted infection treatment, and referral to other needed services for survivors of rape in South Kivu Province, DRC. Real-time supply chain management overcomes barriers to reach survivors within the required 72 hours post violence. 5578 survivors* presented for care in 101 clinics* operated in North Kivu, South Kivu, and Kinshasa. Malnutrition-community based screening, medical treatment and nutritional supplementations for moderate and severely malnourished children in Goma, DRC. 611 children* received careNewborn care Train nurses on essential newborn care, collect statistics on births and maternal and neonatal mortality to help improve care quality, and home visits to high-risk infants to prevent further morbidity and mortality. Global Strategies collects daily data on births and deaths at the nurseries using remote digital data collection. 492 babies* were cared for at the Panzi NICU in Bukavu, DRC and 637 babies* at HEAL Africa Hospitals NICU in Goma, DRC. At HEAL Africa Hospital, nurses conducted 393 home visits to high-risk newborns. HIV Prevention Among Sex Workers and their Partners in Bukavu - Provide counseling and HIV testing utilizing trained peer educators in Bukavu, South Kivu, DRC for sex workers and their partners. 174 sex workers and their partners were counseled on HIV testing and tested. Post exposure Prophylaxis (PEP) - Post rape medical care including HIV prevention, emergency contraception, sexually transmitted infection treatment, and referral to other needed services for survivors of rape in South Kivu Province, DRC. Real-time supply chain management overcomes barriers to reach survivors within the required 72 hours post violence. 3785 survivors* presented for care in 101 clinics* operated in North Kivu, South Kivu, and Kinshasa. Malnutrition-community based screening, medical treatment and nutritional supplementations for moderate and severely malnourished children in Goma, DRC. 716 children* received care.Newborn care Train nurses on essential newborn care, collect statistics on births and maternal and neonatal mortality to help improve care quality, and home visits to high-risk infants to prevent further morbidity and mortality. Global Strategies collects daily data on births and deaths at the nurseries using remote digital data collection. 3118 babies* were cared for at the Panzi NICU in Bukavu, DRC and 1280 babies* at HEAL Africa Hospitals NICU in Goma, DRC. At HEAL Africa Hospital, nurses conducted 198 home visits to high-risk newborns.