Program areas at Global Volunteers
Below data are not exhaustive, but provide highlights of Global Volunteers' service accomplishments in various countries during fy23. Cuba: Volunteers practice conversational english with youth and adults, work in community gardens, support and assist seniors, make crafts with a local women's cooperative, and help with light construction and/or painting. Tanzania: the prevalence of childhood stunting was significantly reduced in families enrolled in Global Volunteers' reaching children's potential (rcp) program, as reported by the tanzania food and nutrition center, a division of the tanzania ministry of health. Rcp is a child-focused, parent-driven, community-led, and volunteer-supported comprehensive program that invests in children's and mothers' nutrition, health, and education beginning with pregnancy, continuing through the 18th birthday, and focusing on the first 1,000 days of life. All components are implemented and directed by local people with the catalytic support of local staff and external Volunteers. Volunteers help parents and community members deliver the 12 essential services prescribed by un agencies so that childhood stunting can be eliminated, and all children can reach their full potential. Volunteer professionals conduct interactive parent workshops; provide pregnant women, parents of children two years and younger, and school-age children with two nutritious meals daily; accompany the staff caregivers on their weekly home visits; demonstrate proper hand washing with soap and water; help assemble household hand washing stations so parents can ensure they and their children have access to appropriate hygiene, , teach/tutor english, math, science, and health at the primary school, teach/ tutor secondary school students in english, math, biology, chemistry, physics, and physical geography and help repair classrooms. Volunteers with medical backgrounds assist 6 medical staff at the ipalamwa general clinic. Poland: Volunteers teach conversational english to elementary, high school, and summer school settings. Volunteers provide ukrainian refugee families relief and psychosocial support. Volunteers engage with school-age ukrainian and polish children during summer camps.