Program areas at Godman Guild Association
Workforce developmentthe Guild's workforce development programs allow individuals to obtain the education, training, and certifications needed to thrive in today's workforce. Our programs offer a comprehensive array of courses, assessments, and services to meet the needs of individuals, community partners, and employers across central Ohio focused on career readiness as the foundation for success. Adult literacy & educationthe Guild's adult education and literacy programs offered in partnership with the Ohio department of education aspire provide language, reading, and math skills needed to earn a high school equivalency certificate, enter college, or obtain a job, as well as all necessary testing provided in-house. In addition, english for speakers of other languages (esol) is a major service of our adult education offerings. Career bridgesour Ohio department of education aspire workplace training and education services are offered in collaboration with employers to increase the productivity of the workforce. Godman Guild currently provides workplace training services in healthcare and customer service and retail through our career bridges program. Career bridges courses are offered virtually and in person. Project connectin partnership with the franklin county department of jobs and family services offers a work experience program (wep) to support program participants in connecting to their next employment, training, educational, or career opportunity. T.e.e.n. (youth and young adult workforce development)t.e.e.n. Is the Guild's youth and young adult year-round program focused on career exploration and career mapping for students grades 9-12 as well as post high-school graduation support. T.e.e.n. Focuses on building the skills needed to successfully graduate from high school and enter post-secondary programs or obtain employment. T.e.e.n. Program offers a selection of activities designed to build community, strengthen academic, social, and emotional skills and to prepare youth for future employment. The three major focus areas of t.e.e.n. Are employment and career exploration, academic mentoring, and professional and social skills development with the goal of crafting a personal career path roadmap. Individual employment placement servicesreceive individualized coaching, resume prep, and direct referrals to employers based on your experience and career goals. Godman Guild accepts employer-based referrals for employment coaching and career planning services. We collaborate with employees seeking additional guidance to support their career development. We also Guild provide our community partners with employment preparation and placement services to allow them to provide robust case management services to clients. Certificationsgodman Guild offers national retail federation (nrf) foundation rise up training and certification courses for clients and employees of our community and employer partners. Rise up is the nrf foundation training and credentialing program that provides foundational employability skills to help people land jobs and get promoted in retail and beyond. Curriculum and exams are industry-recognized and were developed in collaboration with more than twenty retailers. Current certifications offered: customer service and sales, business of retail, and logistics/inventory.
Camp mary ortoncamp mary orton has been serving children and families of the columbus community since 1910, and has been adding new services throughout the years. We offer a variety of summer camps for children, as well as facility rentals for weddings, corporate retreats, and parties. We also offer team building activities for corporate, school, and civic groups, creating an outing for each group's specific needs. These outings result in improved group cohesion, communication, trust and problem-solving skills. These types of activites are also incorporated into our summer camps, providing the opportunity for children to develop leadership skills in a nurturing, natural environment. These offerings are social enterprises and the revenue generated helps support Godman Guild's mission and programs.
Youth and family educationgodman Guild's youth and family education programs offer a balanced and comprehensive array of year-round programming to support youth as they develop academically, socially, and emotionally. Igniteuigniteu offers in-school and afterschool programming at weinland park elementary school (wpes) and dominion middle school (dms). Igniteu supports students in grades k-8 to improve their academic and social/emotional outcomes and works with families to provide ongoing family engagement, support, and resources. Igniteu provides high-quality, trauma-informed afterschool programming, as well as in-school tutoring and intervention support for all students. Igniteu provides a continuum of academic, social, and emotional learning supports that create year-round wrap-around programming through a summer learning experience at s.y.e.p. (summer youth empowerment program) summer camp. This year-round approach to academic, social, and emotional learning results in increased learning, improved math and reading scores for students, and increased family involvement with youth, schools, and the community. S.y.e.p. Is a summer day camp for youth entering grades 1-8, hosted ath the Guild's camp mary orton.
Blue bow tie cateringblue bow tie catering is a social enterprise designed to create transitional employment opportunities for individuals with barriers to employment, teach marketable job skills, and empower individuals to find gainful employment that provides a sustainable income. Blue bow tie catering is a for-profit venture in a non-profit organization. In addition to providing job training and employment, the revenue generated by blue bow tie catering is used to support Godman Guild programs.