Program areas at Golden Valley Memorial Hospital Foundation
Prior to fy24 the gvmh Foundation completed a capital campaign to raise funds to assist the Hospital in building a radiation oncology center. Many gifts were pledged by donors to be paid over a period of years. Gifts received by the Foundation are placed in a restricted fund for radiation oncology. The Hospital completed construction of the center in december of 2023. During fy24, the Foundation began transferring funds raised for radiation oncology to the Hospital to help offset their costs associated with the project.
The Foundation awarded a grant to gvmh hospice for equipment (ipads, cases and keyboards with apple care+) that works with their new axxess web based solution in order to allow staff to chart while in patients homes rather than waiting until back in the office at the end of the day.
The Foundation awarded a grant to gvmh home health for equipment (ipads, cases and keyboards with apple care+) that works with their new axxess web based solution in order to allow staff to chart while in patients homes rather than waiting until back in the office at the end of the day.
- the Foundation purchased a baby grand player piano for the Hospital main lobby to enhance the space and allow for music to be played for staff and patients to enjoy. $15,683 - the Foundation created and began receiving donations into a new fund entitled the truman lake cancer relief fund that assists patients while in active treatment for cancer with expenses. $11,722 - the Foundation paid for furniture as well as a stock of wigs, head coverings, poppy pockets, chemo shirts for the care closet located in the cancer center to assist patients in having these items and the ability to try on items in a private space. $8,490 - the Foundation covered the cost of customized garments for inpatients and outpatients who were treated at gvmh for lymphedema and do not have insurance coverage for the garments. $5,254 - the Foundation assisted cardiac rehab patients through purchase of gas cards to assist patients in getting to their appointments and also provided patient assistance grants to help patients in need cover the cost of coinsurance associated with their treatment. $4,520 - the Foundation supported gvmh's share pregnancy and infant loss support group through supplies for care packages for families suffering a loss at gvmh as well as annual dues and supplies needed for meetings. $801 - each year, including fy24, the Foundation purchases books to be distributed by clinic providers during check ups for pediatric patients from birth through age 5. $3,633 - the Foundation supported cancer patients by providing comfort items, snacks and entertainment in the cancer center at gvmh. $2,058 - the Foundation paid for new equipment for the cardiac rehab department. $1,995 - the Foundation supported cancer patients by purchasing gas cards and other items for patients that could not afford the items through its established sandy houchen fund. $1,779 - the Foundation support hospice families and patients through assistance grants . $1,483 - the Foundation approved a grant from the clinton school district to pay for new pediatric pads for the district's aeds. $1,065 - the Foundation paid for artwork for the icu waiting room that it has previously paid to renovate. $1,032 - the Foundation supported diabetic patients through the purchase of supplies and also provided a patient assistance grant to help with medication. $833 - the Foundation paid for lunches for staff to complete a flu shot clinic at the clinton school district. $273