Program areas at Good in the 'hood
Food programs, traditional food shelf programs and hot meals and groceries to induividuals and families in need.provided food to 64,996 children between the ages of 0-17. Provided food to 67,458 adults between the ages of 18-65. Provided food to 8,292 seniors from 65 and over. Total number of individuals provided food to was 140,746. Total number of lbs of food provided to individuals in need 2,546,692. Hot meal program served 2,146 hot meals. Foodshelf-in-a-box, 26 different sites serving families, providing groceries for 7 days for 45,158 households. Distributed 7,833 emergency food and resource packs for the unsheltered from 11 partner locations.
Adopt-a-family holiday help provided over 782 families with gift cards/gifts and groceries to providing a festive winter holiday celebration. Extreme sponsorships of $2,500 or more in gifts were provided for 5 families in crisis.distributed 2,238 winter coats and 1,138 wool socks to refugee families in family photos witha professional photographer for 31 families.
Shoe away hunger - providing shoes at very low cost or free to needed areas in the twin cities/metro area.18,379 pairs of shoes distributed at 196 shoe events providing essential footwear to those in need with a particular emphasis on schools and shelters.collected and sorted 46,969 pairs of shoes.distributed 875 boxes of school supplies to children in need to 8 partner locations. Solecare for souls-providing foot care and practical support for those experiencing homeless and all those unable to access affordable foot care. 4 sites that provided 2,250 client care sessions with each client receiving 2 pairs of free socks