Program areas at Gospel Express Evangelistic Team Ministry
International ministries - this Ministry is focused on compassionate care for the needy and this concern opens doors of opportunity in african countries for evangelism and discipleship. We meet humanitarian needs (food parcels, basic necessities, shelters, wells, and much more) and conduct medical clinics and surgeries in villages that cannot afford medical care.
Discipleship Ministry - the call to go and make disciples is largely directed to inmates, as we offer bible course correspondence courses and various discipleship resources and seminars. This Ministry also does extend to churches via teachng and seminars.
Evangelistic Ministry - the original call of Ministry, as laid out in 1984, was to proclaim the Gospel to the world through preaching and singing. That is still being carried out today through prison crusades, community revival meetings, and itinerant Ministry both stateside and international.
Pain to purpose - duane, cindy and family minster hope and encouragement from their own journey in dealing with painful loss. They share and sing in prisons, churches, and via the internet and youtube, how to move from pain to purpose and live a fulfilling christ-centered life.
Recording ministries - Gospel Express produces various forms of media for sale and other distribution that proclaim the message of jesus christ to the world. This includes christian music and biblical sermons. A recording studio is located at the corporate office and is now utilized in its media production.