Program areas at Gouverneur Agricultural and Mechanical Society
The Society holds the Gouverneur and st. lawrence county fair annually in Gouverneur, ny. The fair has been held for 165 years. Through the fair, the Society educates the attending public on and promotes a wide variety of interests through exhibits and competitions involving: Agricultural activities such as animal husbandry, beef cattlel draft horses, poultry,sheep, dairy operations, and other small animals; horticultural activities such as vegetable gardening, flower cultivation,maple sugar production and ornamental plant varieties; domestic arts such as knitting, wood crafts, quilting,canned foods,baking,painting,and drawing; and farm equipment and technology such as tractors,watering techniques and alternative heating and power methods. Prizes for each competion encourage participation and excellence within the county. A firemen's parade, horse and tractor pulls, fire and rescue demonstrations, and harness racing showcase these activities and provide recreation and entertainment for the public. The fair also hosts musical and other acts, carnival rides and concessions for the entertainment of members and the public. This entertainment serves to attract the public to the fair. The fair also holds agriculturally-related contests and festivals at other times of the year, such as pumpkin festival, as fundraisers and means of showcasing agircultural achievements.
The Society encourages youth development and leadership through competitions and exhibitions at the fair and support 4-h, future farmers of america and the grange. The fair includes dedicated space for these organizations and encourages youth participation in each of the general fair competitions and exhibits.
Educates about, promotes and encourages participation in Agricultural activities and related activities in around st. lawrence county, including through holding the annual Gouverneur and st. lawrence county fair.