Program areas at Grace in Action
Grace in Action(GIA) helps ministries carry out their Matthew 28 purpose through growth in Spirit-empowered leadership abilities, approaches, and attitudes. With Gods blessings, GIAs process helps pastors, principals, and leadership teams recognize their God-given strengths and and use them to focus on a clear ministry vision with the traction necessary to complete the vision. In 2023 GIA served 172 ministry teams with a total of 3,440 training participants. These leaders served by GIA in turn serve approximately 40,000 members, students, and fellow servants of the Lord.
Crossroads Consulting Ministry - Crossroads assisted 6 different Lutheran congregations in 2023 to identify their strengths, address their concerns, design a compelling vision for future ministry, and develop intentional strategies for enhancing their outreach and nurture ministries. The total congregational membership touched by Crossroads Consulting Ministry in 2023 was over 2,000 individuals.
Grant made to Crosswalk Church (CrossTrain Ministry) in the amount of $74,250. CrossTrain Ministry held 6 in person four day training sessions in 2023 for 75 Lutheran pastors,5 staff ministers and 5 teachers. The leadership training sessions improved spiritual, emotional, and physical health and resiliency, sprititual leadership skills, and the quality of Christian leadership. In addition, Cross Train Ministry held 12 monthly webinars involving about 80 participants each month including Lutheran pastors, staff ministers and teachers in each. Here also the webinars were designed to improve Christian leadership skills. In total, the attendees for the in person sessions and webinars represented 75 Lutheran congregations with church membership of over 35,000 members.