Program areas at Graces of Gurley
Meeting emotional and educational needs through counseling for men, women and children of the community.
Benevolence/community assistance in general: the organization budgets each year (6000 in current year) to assist families with utility, water, medical, rent, relocation, transportation and other expenses necessary for their daily lives. Additionally, through the christmas assistance ministry, the organization partners withcommunity donors to provide christmas gift assistance for low-income families in gurley who have children 8th grade and younger. The ministry assisted several 30 families during the calendar year with gifts and food boxes. Finally, through the backpack ministry, the organization seeks donations from the community to provide backpacks for elementary students that need assistance on an annual basis.
Jacob's ladder program is comprised of jacob's ladder minis for elementary students, jacob's ladder jr. for middle school students and jacob's ladder leadership. These programs are an intervention program for at risk children and teens. Volunteers mentors share the word of god through bible lessons, character studies, games, activities, tutoring, and counseling. The leadership group participate in a christian leadership curriculum, service projects and assist with the jr. and mini program. Multiple students are impacted by this ministry. Benevolent needs to the students families are also made on an as needed basis.
Other programs of this organzination are: emergency food supply: providing an emergency food pantry, snacks for the local school nurse, and food bags that are provided on an as-needed basis. Small groups: provide a safe place of belonging and provide the opportunity to learn more about christ. Women's confernces: focuses on learning skills needed to navigate life's struggles and celebrate the victories in lives of the women. Moms in prayer: prayer groups to pray for the students ministered to in the other programs and all students in the surrounding schools. Ladies night out: women attend events that allow for them to meet new friends, have someone to share with, laugh with, pray with and share a meal. An opportunity to build relationships and partnerships that allow the women to have a network of friends that come along and share their lives with one another. Tutoring: through a local church, this program administers the "arise2read" program for elementary students. Best groups: meet twice per year to assist students in navigating emotions related to loss of a significant person, divorce, foster care, deployment, incarceration, living with family caregivers and parental substance misuse. Grandparents group: a support group to assist grandparents that have taken the task of raising children. Many events are offered throughout the year, among them are: live nativity, easter celebration, community vbs, kathyryn's kids (event that allows local groups to offer information for their ministries and services with free entertainment), and a pet pageant.