Program areas at Grand Rapids Right To Life
Online advertising helped women facing an unplanned pregnancy find life-affirming help. 710,000 digital ads were placed and our website appear more than 95,000 times in searches. Our web page empowering women with the truth about the abortion pill appeared 15,540 times in online searches. Hosted an eductional booth at women's expo, tribute To Life expo, and into the mystery ministry fair. Discussed the sanctity of human Life for one hour on holy family radio during their spring pledge drive. Distributed free copies of pregnancy resource cards that list local agencies that help women and children, fetal development cards that educate people on the scientific growth and the humanity of the unborn, and speak Life cards that articulate prolife responses To pro-abortion arguments. Published 6 editions of newsgram, with each edition educating 3,000 households. Created voices for Life, a minority e-newsletter, and sent it quarterly To more than 3,000 people via e-mail.
The 36th focus on Life benefit dinner was attended by 1,000 supporters and featured kevin sorbo as the keynote speaker. Hosted the 16th annual prolife golf classic. Families enjoyed outdoor activities at the 44th annual pedals & petals. Organized 10 buses To take almost 500 people from Michigan To Washington, dc, for the march for Life. Organized 3 buses To take 130 people from Grand Rapids To lansing for the Michigan march for Life. 150 people attended spring into Life, featuring 3 heath brothers. This event is designed To grow the prolife movement and inspire supporters. Hosted Life connections luncheons quarterly To allow employees and volunteers of local prolife agencies To learn about new local programs and network with others. Mobilized volunteers To participate in 40 days for Life and Life chain.
Offered $4,000 in youth scholarships through the prolife youth award, the high school oratory contest, the prolife essay contest, the march for Life scholarship, the lead summer program, and the dj zarnosky Life leadership award. Educated and inspired high school students at leadership for Life base camp. Distributed 5,200 sanctity of human Life sunday bulletin inserts To 24 churches. Gave prolife educational expo kits To 8 churches To help them with prolife displays. Hosted 3 next steps for the church reps gatherings and a fall luncheon To inspire church representatives with their prolife outreach. Sent qualified speakers To churches and schools on 7 occasions. Through the coins for kids program, and an outdoor car hop coin drop event, Grand Rapids Right To Life donated more than $8,600 To six local pregnancy care centers that offer material goods To women and children.