Program areas at Grantmakers of Western Pennsylvania
Gwp provides programming, information and other member services to promote the effectiveness of its member Grantmakers. It hosts and facilitates internal funders' networks; designs and delivers issue briefings, site visits and other educational programs, both in person and virtually; and develops and distributes resource information e.g. Newsletters, website content, and sample documents reflecting best practices. Additionally, gwp conducts custom benchmarking and responds to members' inquiries for data, research or other resources upon request. Finally, gwp monitors public policy and legislative developments affecting philanthropy and nonprofits (e.g. Treatment of charitable contributions), and communicates board-adopted positions to policymakers. Services to grantseekers, nonprofits and the public include sponsoring "meet the Grantmakers" programs; provision of the common grant application and report forms; participation in greater pittsburgh nonprofit partnership, pano and other nonprofit networks; sharing community information and resources on gwp's website and social media; and responding to inquiries from grantseekers and nonprofits. Gwp annually compiles and analyzes data regarding trends and characteristics in charitable giving, and makes the information available on its website and via community presentations. It also reaches out to non-member philanthropies to engage them by sharing selected resources, extending invitations to selected gwp programs, and offering short-term guest memberships. Finally, gwp co-sponsors pa foundation stats, an online source of data on giving by all Pennsylvania foundations, viewable by the public free of charge.
Gwp also provides grants administration for co-funded community initiatives for its members, as special projects. Grant-supported special projects in 2023 included (an online resource for parents and families in the region), kidsburgh parents as allies (parents, schools, and kidsburgh working together to promote family/student resources), and remake learning (which includes the remake learning network, a cross-sector council of civic leaders, remake learning days in the region and nationally, and development of the region's stem ecosystem). Another special project in 2023 was the early childhood funders alliance, a program that provides a space for local funders to establish a common vision to influence systemic change, strengthen infrastructure and promote cross-sector collaboration improving the lives of the youngest citizens in southwestern Pennsylvania. Typical special projects for gwp may also include hosting expert speakers for gwp member education programs, and grant-supported activities that strengthen gwp's capacity to serve its members (e.g. Upgrading gwp's website and information management systems).