Program areas at GRACE
Grace provides a continuum of care comprised of emergency assistance to overcome crisis. Services include supplies, food, clothing, assistance with transportation, rent and utility assistance, senior services, and programs for children. This year, Grace provided families with $676,149 in food, rent and utilities assistance that kept individuals in their homes. Grace gave clients clothing, childcare, fuel and other expenses valued at $233,187.
The transitional housing program provides long-term assistance and case management for homeless individuals and families willing to work toward becoming self-sufficient. The program gives families a clean, stable home for a minimum of six months to a maximum of two years. Housing clients participate in intensive case management and pursue educational, career and financial goals. Case management appointments are scheduled weekly, with case managers assisting with day-to-day functioning, as needed. All activities are tailored for each participant and aimed at client self-determination and securing self-sufficiency.
The Grace Community clinic provides primary medical care and prescriptions to low income clients with marginal means to access healthcare. Many patients of the clinic have never had preventative care and do not even realize how compromised their health is until they begin to improve with routine medical assistance. The clinic provided 5,601 patient visits this year. Volunteer medical professionals provided services; referrals were made for clients needing specialty treatment. Well-woman clinics provided education, screening and testing. The diabetic educational program provided ongoing care for diabetic patients and educational seminars for clients and the public. The volunteers provided approximately 2,488 hours of time to Grace Community clinic including limited specialty service like cardiology.