Program areas at Great Commission University
Our main program service is our educational program, divided into the graduate program master of divinity and the undergraduate program bachelor in theology. The total enrollment in both programs is approximately 50 students (about 30% in the mdiv, 70% in the ba program). Ojective of our education is to raise these students as capable mission leaders, leading churches and ministries in different cultural, sociological and geographical contexts globally. We achieve this objective through a sound academic theological education paired with spiritual formation programs and ministry practice. The quality of our programs is assured through our accrediting agency tracs (transnational association of christian colleges and schools), with whom we hold the status as applicant and are in the process toward candidacy.our students are those directly served by our programs - through these students, by equipping and raising them according to the skillset mentioned above, we serve inderectly a far greater number of people of different ages, gender and social backgrounds.since all of our students are actively involved in ministry and church activities in the context of global missions they are already impacting a considerable number of people around them, in direct personal engagement and virtually through online activities. Our students are serving in currently about 20 different countries across latin america, africa and europe. By providing our programs to them the scope of our work stretches across these large continents, and through our students' continuously growing missionary activities, the indirect scope of our work reaches far beyond our students' immediate locations.
Renovate and develop the Indiana campus. Besides serving our distance education students globally, we develop our physical campus in howe, Indiana, in preparation for providing our educational and ministerial programs and services to on-campus students in the near future. The historical campus, formerly a military academy, stretches across 56 acres with 25 buildings of different kinds with a total square footage of about 250,000. We have been continuously maintaining, renovating and improving this vast property . During the past year, besides regular maintenance and up-keep, we brought significant improvements to several buildings especially through gutter and roofing upgrades, along with interior renovation projects to provide more quality living and working space.