Program areas at GPTCHB
Health centers: the oyate Health center is a tribally-owned and operated walk-in primary care clinic located in rapid city, south dakota. The facility is under the management of the Great Plains Tribal Leaders Health board.
Community Health programs: serving as a liaison between the Great Plains tribes and the various Health and human services divisions, including the Great Plains area indian Health service, the Great Plains Tribal Leaders Health board works to reduce public Health disparities and improve the Health and wellness of the american indian peoples who are members of the 18 Great Plains Tribal nations and communities.
Behavioral Health & recovery: the behavioral Health programs focus on reducing behaviors that lead to adverse outcomes through education, outreach, and support. The vision is to integrate behavioral Health within the structure of Health services, foster collaborative support between tribes for Health and wellness that is holistic, and meet the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual needs of Tribal communities, families, and individuals.
Epidemiology: the Great Plains Tribal epidemiology center (gptec) is one of 12 epidemiology centers across the nation funded by the indian Health service division of epidemiology and disease prevention. Gptecs mission is to provide leadership, technical assistance, support, and advocacy to Tribal nations and communities in the Great Plains in order to eliminate the disparities in Health that currently exist for Tribal people in the area. Other program services in fye ended 09/30/23 include: maternal and child Health: the maternal and child Health (mch) department is committed to serving the needs of mothers, children, and fathers in the Great Plains region. The departments mission is to promote the Health and well-being of american indian families in Great Plains Tribal communities through direct service, research, epidemiology, and technical assistance. Mch provides breastfeeding support, home visits, and the promotion of male involvement for mothers and infants, including during the prenatal stage. Training and education: the training & education department (ed) is designed to work with the representative tribes and collaborative partners to identify training and resource needs as requested. Programs provide training, education, and support services designed to encourage self-sufficiency and improve healthcare. Covid 19 response & testing