Program areas at Greater Delaware County Community Foundation
Garrett mcgee fund - benefits the poor of Delaware County, Iowa as directed by decedent's will and the district court of Iowa in and for Delaware County, ia.
Educational scholarships from the following funds: arthur j. peters scholarship fund, karl and betty keck scholarship fund, west Delaware engineering scholarship fund, earl gleason scholarship fund, ed and ruth birkholz scholarship fund, howard f. wellemeyer scholarship fund, george and blanche perrinjaquet scholarship fund, arthur scholarship fund, william c. francois scholarship fund, lloyd kelchen scholarship fund, zach sherman scholarship fund, tw lichter trust, susan elledge scholarship, douglas p. kirby memorial scholarship, marty harper scholarship fund, dave schultz scholarship, frank l. staton memorial scholarship fund, schenke/phelps endowment, fred and ellen phelps scholarships, dennis gudenkauf, anne kehrli scholarship.
Operation santa claus fund - provide for the less fortunate of Delaware County by providing food, clothing, and toys purchased locally.
Operation santa claus fund - provide for the less fortunate of Delaware County by providing food, clothing, and toys purchased locally. Community center project fund - collect funds for the continued improvement of the Community recreation center for the citizens of manchester and surrounding communities. West Delaware County Community school district fund - maintain, develop, increase, and extend the facilities and services of west Delaware school district. Are you ok fund - computerized health check of elderly residents of Delaware County, Iowa. West Delaware school auditorium fund - provide support for the enhancement of the arts programs of west Delaware school district. Delaware County disaster recovery - meet the unmet needs of the citizens of Delaware County from any type of natural disaster. Friends of music - raise funds to support the music department of the west Delaware County Community school district. West Delaware booster club - raise funds to support the extracurricular activities of the west Delaware County Community school district. Delaware County food pantry - assist residents of Delaware County with food in the event of a lost job, a fire, a tornado, a bank closure, and other circumstances beyond a person's control. Shelly family Foundation - provide academic scholarships to graduating seniors from west Delaware high school and fund other Community projects that comply with the Foundation's purpose. John j. juergens memorial trust - to contribute to the growth of the city of colesburg and the surrounding area. Second helpings - provide free meals to the poor and needy of Delaware County, Iowa. Friends of the castle theatre- support and promote the arts for citizens of Delaware County. Youth football program - teach fundamentals and fun of playing football, while teaching teamwork and respect. Veterans memorial project - construct a memorial for all veterans of Delaware County, ia. American legion post 45 - custodian of flags for downtown manchester and oakland, st. mary's, and other Delaware County cemeteries. Ragbrai - operating account used for recordkeeping during ragbrai tour through manchester. West Delaware fine arts - facilitate arts events at the hanson auditorium of west Delaware Community school district. Harlo coon grants - used to help the elderly of Delaware County have a better life. Delaware County schools - used to help students from poor families have a better school experience. Discretionary fund - used by Delaware County Community services to help poor people who have money problems that are not covered by other programs. Breakfast club - its mission is to help energize and encourage students to stay in school and work at their studies. Delaware County ag golf classic - raises funds to assist the needy with food security. Manchester dog park - raise funds to build a dog park women, land & legacy for Delaware and jones County chapter - to assist women who own or manage farmland. Manchester good to great - raise and distribute funds to improve manchester. Friends of the manchester fish hatchery - raise and spend funds to support the manchester fish hatchery. Backbone area artists tour - raise and spend funds to promote and encourage area artists.