Program areas at Greater Los Angeles Education Foundation
Grant funded programs-gla's portfolio reflects the needs identified by local school district leaders, lacoe leadership, statewide policy, and funding partners. All programs are designed, implemented, and maintained through partnership with lacoe staff and the gla team. Current focus areas include college access and career pathways, advancing digital equity, expanded learning, enrichment, and district partnerships, and student-centered teaching and learning, as well as the mandated supporter initiative for educators.
Events-gla engages partners to support the design, planning, and implementation of regional events, such as the teachers of the year awards banquet and the Los Angeles county academic decathlon.
District capacity building-by supporting lacoe's community schools initiative, gla and lacoe are leading the regional adoption of the community school model, informed by lacoe's approach to community school operation. Lacoe and gla support districts through planning process, grant application, and implementation of the community school model. By advancing the english learning workforce investment network: gla and lacoe provide critical support to help districts, non-profits, and head start providers ensure educators can serve multilingual learners.
Leadership programs & recognition and scholarships-gla supports programs such as the superintendents' professional collaborative conference by gathering innovative Education leaders from across 80 school districts to foster innovation and excellence in the Education space. Gla also manages a significant number of scholarship funds, many developed and led by lacoe staff. These scholarships include the african american scholarships, asian and pacific heritage scholarships, and hispanic heritage scholarships, among many others.