Program areas at Opportunities for Inclusion
Employment - employment services include independent community work at local businesses with job coaching/support, and group supported employment at local universities.
Adult family care this program provides medicaid funded tax free financial support to families caring for their adolescent/adult child with intellectual and developmental disabilities and/or the elderly in their homes.
Day habilitation - participants receive evaluations from therapists including physical therapy, occupational therapy, speech and language pathology, behavior and nutrition. They also benefit from individualized instruction, structure and a variety of challenging activities in varied environments. The program is committed to maximizing choice, dignity, independence, community Inclusion, and Opportunities for people with significant cognitive, physical and intellectual disabilities.
Other program services:support services - this program organizes community based and inhouse activities for adults, adolescents and children in the community and for agency participants. Agency participants and community members join together to learn to make and influence better choices in their lives .school to work transitions - school to work transitions is a highly inclusive program which is designed to transition students with learning challenges from school to work and adult life. This program provides students with Opportunities for social Inclusion, choice, greater independence/responsibility and the reward of earning a paycheck. Community based day supports (cbds) program - cbds provides each person the opportunity to have a personalized and flexible schedule of therapeutic and educational programming combined with community access integration, social Inclusion, leisure/recreation activities and volunteer activities in the community. The community based day supports (cbds) program provides each person the opportunity to have a meaningful day with activities of choice. This program offers a personalized/flexible schedule, enriching community volunteer Opportunities, social Inclusion, as well as leisure and recreation enterprises - the laundromat offers a program where participants are able to learn and practice everyday living skills such as loading/unloading machines, counting coins, inserting correct amounts of money into machines, folding clothes, sweeping floors, wiping machines and greeting customers.