Program areas at Green Building Alliance
Knowledge network: the knowledge network is the forward-facing vehicle that connects gba to the public and its variety of stakeholders by sharing information, educational content, mentorship, and networking opportunities across platorms and experiences and providing engaging education, training, and workforce development opportunities for individuals across topics and sectors. **see schedule 'o' for continuation**the knowledge network ensures stakeholders are up-to-date on the evolving field of Green Building and sustainable development; connects the dots among seemingly dispirate topics of climate, equity, health, and the economy; generates programming and events for constituents' educational and networking needs; and provides resources to interested individuals and businesses to advance sustainability practices and projects. Programming includes something for everyone from beginner's level to advanced training, including Green Building tours, workshops, lectures, and workforce trainings with associated professional accreditations. The knowledge network provides lifelong learning, collaborating with the Green & healthy schools academy to educate young people about careers in sustainability, and training professionals of all levels. In addition to proramming, the knowledge network oversees gba's communications and storytelling.
Sustainable communities: the sustainable communities program is a robust initiative that works to create places where all people can thrive. Gba supports individuals, neighborhoods, and partners in creating healthy, resilient, and equitable communities through strong community engagement, capacity Building for funding opportunities, cross-generational education, project technical assistance, and community-scale sustainable development planning.
2030 district: a place-based initiative to improve the performance of existing and new buildings with associated economic and human health benefits through education and training, project technical assistance and implementation, data-driven investment strategies, and shared best practices between industry clusters and private/public sector Building owners. The pittsburgh & erie 2030 district initiative (including western pa affiliates) sets national standards for high performance Building. **see schedule 'o' for continuation**local properties commit to the 2030 challenge goals: 50-65% reductions in carbon emissions for existing buildings and zero carbon for new construction and major renovations by the year 2030, while reducing water consumption and improving indoor air quality. The 2030 district model develops a collaborative of commercial businesses, healthcare facilities, community institutions, local governments, nonprofit organizations, higher education, and k-12 schools committed to efficient buildings, healthy environments, clean energy, and innovative economies.
Green & healthy schools academy: gba and its stakeholders are committed to the vision that all students and all schools are healthy and high performing within a generation. To that end, gba assists schools with integrating sustainability into their buildings, curriculum, and culture through inspirational, comprehensive, and developmental education. The Green & healthy schools academy programming aligns with the national u.s. department of education's Green ribbon schools program that promotes three pillars for sustainable, healthy, and 21st century schools: reduced environmental impact and operational costs; health and wellness of students and staff; and providing effective environmental and sustainability education to promote civic skills, environmental stewardship, and a strong foundation for career and college pathways. Schools can have a significant impact on student and teacher health and performance, as well as the health, vitality, and economic development of their surrounding community.