Program areas at Greensboro Jewish Federation
The Federation accomplishes its mission by developing Jewish education and cultural activities, promoting an understanding of Jewish culture and concerns, fostering cooperation and effectiveness of existing Jewish organizations, developing human and financial resources to meet Jewish needs, and building a strong relationship with our community-at-large. In fy23, the Federation hosted a wide variety of local programs and events for children, young professionals, adults, seniors, and families including its annual community-wide film festival and a domestic mission experience. The Federation publishes a quarterly magazine that is distributed to over 1,600 households. Annually, funds are raised and allocated to 501c(3) organizations supporting local, national, and international efforts that align with the Federation's mission. In fy23, additional funds were raised to support global emergency needs and a regional security initiative.
Jewish family services (jfs), a constituent agency of the Greensboro Jewish Federation, is a family services agency primarily serving the Jewish community of Greensboro. A clinical program offers case management, counseling, information and referral, and outreach. Services for older adults are particularly robust. Children and family programs address the needs of families in the community, including those with special needs, through workshops and educational programs. A food pantry is also available to all in Greensboro. Jfs served 1500 individuals in fy23 through a wide variety of programs and services including 1328 van rides for doctor's appointments, community and social events, and religious services; 646 holiday gift bags for homebound seniors; 5403 telephone and face to face contacts by our congregational nurse and licensed clinical social worker; and 31,691 pounds of food distributed through our food pantry. In addition, 144 community members participated in 25 projects during our annual mitzvah day and our dedicated volunteers logged 964 hours of service over the course of the year.