Program areas at Greensburg Community Development Corporation
Facade improvement grant program the city of Greensburg secured the program fund from the pa department of Community and economic Development and contracted the Greensburg Community Development Corporation for the administration and promotions of the facade improvement grant program. The objective of the facade improvement grant program is to encourage a business or commercial property owner to renovate the storefront or building facade by providing a matching grant ($5,000 maximum grant per project). The gcdc promotes the facade improvement grant proram to property and business owners via a direct mail brochure, press releases to local media, and articles in the organization's newsletter. Information meetings are scheduled each year to describe the application process and to answer questions from prospective applicants. The gcdc assists applicants with the completion of the grant applicaiton, confirms successful completion of the renovation project, ensures the program guidelines are followed by the applicant, and closes the application by paying the grant funds to the applicant.
Think Greensburg the Greensburg Community Development coporation has three priorities: expanding cultural and shopping district offerings, increasing private and public investment within the downtown area, and strengthening Greensburg's neighborhoods. Assisting commercial property developers, investors, business owners, entrepreneurs, nonprofit organizations and individuals to make successful, productive investments in the city of Greensburg. The organization also provides a broad range of services from general Community information to an online listing of apartment and rental houses. It also provides commercial property listings for purchase or lease and can assist with identifying both private and public funding sources for both business start-up and commercial property projects.
Lerta/g-fund program utilizes the Pennsylvania local economic revitalization tax assistance act program as a creative way to implement strategic financial opportunities to drive revitalization
Main street jump start program to assist local businesses on main street in Greensburg by subsidizing the cost of high-quality business support services, provided by a set of vetted, local professional service firms.
South pa ave beautification project streetscape beautification and enhancement of south Pennsylvania avenue in Greensburg.