Program areas at GALA
Artistic season productions:gala presents 4 major season productions per year, including contemporary and classical spanish and latin american drama and original, commissioned musicals. Each production is rehearsed for six to eight weeks and performed for a four to five-week period. Over the course of the year, Gala engages over 150 artists in the creation, production, and performance of work. Gala's season productions reach over 19,000 audience members per year, including a large student audience. School matinee programs for high schools are conducted on weekdays and recently represented 15% (approximate) of all ticket sales. For plays performed in spanish, Gala projects subtitles with english translation, and for english language productions, we project spanish subtitles, thus making all of the work accessible to a broad audience. Students and teachers are provided with bilingual educational materials on the play and its historical context, thus encouraging teachers to include hispanic literature in the standard curriculum. Gala's artistic programs introduce a wide non-latino audience to a culture with which they may not be familiar, and instill pride among latinos in their heritage, thus building bridges of communication and cooperation among diverse cultural and ethnic groups.presenting series (arteamerica):gala presents four to five outstanding musical, dance and performing artists or groups from abroad and from throughout the u.s. This presenting series features an annual flamenco festival, which is attended by over 3,000 individuals every year.young audiences:galita children's theater presents two to three bilingual productions per year with an average of 15 performances each. Elementary school students from over 40 different schools in the area attend weekday matinee performances of galita's shows, and saturday productions target low-income immigrant families and their children, many of whom have little opportunity to attend theater or cultural activities in their native language.
Education and training:gala is devoted to the training, support and growth of minority artists. Gala offers performing opportunities and training for young people through an ongoing after-school workshop program targeting at-risk Latino youth ages 13-17. Gala offers on-the-job experience and training for college and high school students in the areas of arts administration, technical theater, and production.
Contracted servcies:gala artists are contracted by non-profit organizations, schools and churches for cultural events, performances, and activities.local schools also contract dancers or performers who work with Gala, such as with the aparicio flamenco dance company, to perform special programs.
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