Program areas at Grove Christian Outreach Center
Food - gcoc distributed over 544,592 pounds of food to 575 different families, representing 1,934 different individuals. Volunteers from local churches helped pick up donated food from 12 area grocery stores and restaurants as well as the Virginia peninsula foodbank. Hygiene and cleaning products were also distributed monthly through our pantry. The summer lunch program provided 3,038 lunches to children.
Holiday giving - 353 children received shoe boxes filled with gifts at christmas and our christmas blessing room provided parents an opportunity to select a gift for each of their children, for a total of 291 children receiving toys through the workshop. Through the blessing room, gift cards were provided to parents in the household. Churches and businesses, along with many individuals, partnered to provide christmas gifts to our blessing room and shoe box gifts for kids Outreach programs.
Emergency assistance - the Center continued its collaboration with area churches and agencies, including united way to help clients in need of financial assistance. A total of 95,791 was given to aid families which included rent, utilities, medical prescriptions, medical care, gas vouchers and bus tickets. And, 1,764 diaper packages were served.
Back to school - 233 students received backpacks. One local church provided 223 students with new shoes. Throughout the year, the Center provides gently used uniforms to children attending the community elementary school as well as school supplies. Grants from a local civic organizations and a corporate foundation, along with generous donations from various churches, businesses and individuals made this program possible.