Program areas at Grove Collective Foundation
Obsidian ecosystem initiative - black and brown real estate developers seed multidimensional infrastructure. The obsidian ecosystem initiative connects the nation's top emerging black and brown real estate developers with education, workforce, and infrastructure innovators to provide breakthrough neighborhood-level social and economic mobility outcomes.
One goal - the purpose of the one goal program is to scale college access impact through state delivery channels and to package and distribute state-wide training for high school teachers and counselors in holistic, equity-focused college access.
Redemptive leadership project - the redemptive leadership project seeks to create a space for people with meaningful differences to come together in true fellowship, during a time when fewer and fewer such spaces exist. The Collective curated an invitation list to bring together a community with diverse expressions of embodied faith and experience, representing different cultures, denominations, political views, sexual orientations, roles in education, and understandings of god. The Collective deeply believes in the power of building community across many lines of difference, and looks forward to co-creating a sacred and brave space of listening, learning, and communion.
Bottom line - the bottom line program was established to combine impact and scale via bot technology, to build on the organization's unsurpassed evidence base for postsecondary access and completion, and to test ai-driven tools to increase efficiency and scale.
Career and technical education - the Foundation seeks to expand high school career pathway and college guidance capacity using a novel approach for expanding work-based learning opportunities for students and college and career pathway guidance supports in under-resourced schools.
Center for inclusive computing - the center for inclusive computing project aims to develop a strategy for systemic adoption of evidence-based practices for attracting and retaining women and students from races/ethnicities historically marginalized in computing. Operated with the center for inclusive computing (cic) at northeastern university, the project engages strategists with experience scaling educational initiatives through public policy, university networks, and employer demand, equipping cic with real-world expertise necessary to design an effective strategy for scaling their promising intervention.
Consortium - a consortium of the nation's highly-selective colleges and high-impact community-based organizations creates a more equitable application process for students from low-income backgrounds.
Digital promise - the digital promise program was established to help paraguayan students "leapfrog" inequalities through powerful learning with technology. The program aims to design strategies and secure resources to adapt digital promise's powerful learning model for the paraguayan context with fundacion paraguaya.
Peerforward in college - the purpose of the peerforward in college project (pfic) is to establish a plan to help peerforward support college partners to produce field-shifting increase in graduation rates with a cost-effective and scalable approach.