Program areas at Growing Together
Communities in schools: this program and its staff develop the wrap-around services and support for vulnerable students and within the school so that all students have everything necessary to be holistically successful. We provide direct access to resources and take care of needs such as food, clothing, materials, and other basic needs while also identifying and mobilizing partners and resources to meet larger needs of the family that affect the well being of children such as utility access, counseling services, mentorship, afterschool programming, etc.. Finally, they work with school staff to make strategic decisions and develop strategies to improve the largest needs within the school community such as chronic absenteeism, reading/math growth, graduation, and behavior.
Community development: the primary role of this body of work is to support the development of inclusive growth within the built environment. From the launch of our development in single family, affordable rental properties within our target neighborhood to providing supports and resources to our small businesses, minority business owners, and partners in the neighborhood, our goal is to ensure that there are spaces that are accessible and representative of the community that is here.
Community organizing/development: the primary role for this body of work is to support and empower our community members and parent community to develop community leadership skills and opportunities and to construct the spaces and places for our community members and parents to continue building a strong network and community. We support our community members to identify issues, offer feedback and mobilize on specific initiatives by building their skills, knowledge, and resources available to them. This work also builds a network of parents to work in and with their child's school to support and create change to improve the educational outcomes and environment for their children.
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