Program areas at H2ohelp and Hope To Others
We maintain an ongoing program of providing clothing, shoes, & basic household needs including bedding, cookware, dishes utensils, and more To struggling families & individuals. The programs participants are referred by the dept. Of human services, the red cross, the dallas, Oregon resource center, seniors with disablities, west valley hospital and Others. We also loan wheelchairs, walkers, crutches, hospital beds, shower benches, and other misc. Medical equipment free of charge To persons in need referred by physicians and hospitals.
We also provide affordable clothing, furniture & appliances, household goods & decor, building & maintenance supplies and equipment, landscape & garden equipment, books, toys and much more through our large thrift store To the residents of dallas, Oregon and nearby areas
We maintain an ongoing program of donating medical supplies To medical relief organizations, including doctors without borders and medical mission international.we also donated 5381 bags of usable clothing To other charitable organizations. Donations of bedding and linens were made To the family assistance and resource center for a warming shelter serving the homeless.