Program areas at Habitat for Humanity - Habtex Mortgage
In the realm of disaster preparedness, resource development, and recovery, Habitat Texas plays a pivotal role, serving as the lead Habitat voice on statewide volunteer organizations serving in disasters. Following the devastating winter storm uri, we took immediate action to support Habitat affiliates and communities in navigating the challenges of disasters. Thanks to a generous grant in fy 2022, Habitat Texas facilitated the creation of business continuity plans for 57 individuals representing 31 affiliates. Additionally, we enhanced community safety by distributing 1,000 co detectors, a crucial defense against one of the top causes of disaster-related fatalities. Furthering our commitment, we equipped four mobile response units for rapid deployment and provided essential disaster resiliency construction training to 20 construction managers.
Lone star academy - bringing together the most number of Texas habitats in the nation, the lone star summit serves as a dynamic hub for knowledge exchange, fostering collaboration and innovation within the Texas Habitat network. By bringing together passionate staff and volunteers, the summit provides a platform to share best practices, tackle challenges, and explore emerging trends in the areas of leadership, construction, volunteer management, fundraising, and Mortgage homebuyer services. Through interactive sessions, workshops, and networking opportunities, participants gain valuable insights, enhance their skills, and build strategic partnerships. In august 2022, Habitat Texas hosted 31 affiliates with 166 attendees in 47 sessions with an average rating of 8.9 out of 10 stars.
Habtex Mortgage - Habitat Texas serviced 1278 loans in 2023 for 25 affiliates, which is almost half the Texas network. Loan servicing is the process by which a company collects interest, principal, and escrow payments from a borrower. As a part of this, Habitat Texas helped counsel Habitat homebuyers in financial literacy and foreclosure avoidance, responsible use of credit, and more.
Advocacy & education
Directors retreat and workshops
Miscellaneous other programs