Program areas at Loveland Habitat for Humanity
Home construction: Loveland Habitat for Humanity builds safe, decent, and affordable homes for qualified homebuyers who earn between 40%-80% of the annual area median income as defined by hud. We also work in partnership with Loveland housing authority to secure new land. Our home construction program allows for individuals and families to improve their living conditions, invest in the community, and provide for future growth. Since 1987, lhfh has served more than 179 homebuyers through the home construction program. Between july 1, 2023, and june 30, 2024, lhfh sold newly constructed homes to 8 qualified families. Home financing program: Loveland Habitat for Humanity services a mortgage portfolio of 29 mortgages. These mortgages belong to homeowners who have participated in the homeownership education program. Each mortgage holder also invests up to 250 hours of sweat equity as a participant in the homeownership program before qualifying to purchase their home. Homes are sold to low to moderate income individuals and families who income qualify for the lhfh program. Mortgages are structured so that families pay 30% of their monthly income toward housing costs. Lhfh offers a zero percent interest on these loans. Financial and homebuyer education programs: as a part of the homeownership process, we believe financial education builds a more solid foundation for long term success and helps alleviate any concerns or barriers on the path to homeownership. During the financial education classes, we cover topics like budgeting, understanding and managing credit, debt and loans, savings, investing and planning for the future, and understanding Habitat mortgages. A more in-depth understanding of these important concepts is a tool that can be used to build a better future. Overall, Loveland Habitat for Humanity has conducted more than 40 financial and homebuyer workshops in person and online during fy 2024.
Loveland Habitat for Humanity restore: Loveland Habitat restore is a home goods store supported by local donations and small amounts of newly purchased product that are then sold to the public at reduced prices. By selling mostly gently used items, lhfh restore reduces landfill burden, provides employment opportunities, and encourages volunteerism through its storefront operation. During the fiscal year, lhfh restore helped divert more than 500 tons of waste out of the landfill, employed 15 staff, hosted over 300 volunteers, and provided affordable home goods to over 70,000 shoppers. Funds generated through the sale of donated items work together with other revenue generating programs helped to build 8 new Habitat homes in fy 2024. Community engagement: we work with a wide range of community partners to create, preserve, and promote affordable housing. Numerous volunteers contribute to all phases of our mission work. More than 900 volunteers contributed more than 25,000 hours to our program this past year.