Program areas at Haiti Outreach
See schedule o.improving town water systems with management - in 2023, Haiti Outreach, along with its partner hanwash and northwater international, worked to fulfill a rotary global grant and made the town of pignon's water system the first one in Haiti to function 24/7 with a pressurized system and meters to charge for and moniter use. While the process to improve this system and reduce non-revenue water (leakage) has made a vast difference, there is more to be done in 2024. Because the system was so popular in this town of 8,000 people, a second well needs to be dug to meet the demand by the population. That should be done in 2024. Also, this system is designed to be solar powered, which should be accomplished in 2024 as well. In addition, Haiti Outreach has been working, again with partners hanwash and northwater international, to improve the town water system in cavaillon, Haiti and create a new one for the town of ferrier. The population affected in pignon is approximately 8,000 and about 25,000 in cavaillon and 15,000 in ferrier. We also do hygiene traning and promote that ever household have at least a latrine to eliminate open defecation.
See schedule managed wells in rural communities - since Haiti Outreach began, we have worked with rural communities that do not have a potable water source to provide them with the leadership as described above and coached them to have a volunteer water management committee that we train on how to collect funds and safely manage them for use of the well and to fund future repairs. We worked in 8 rural communinties in 2023 to provde community managed wells as described. Their combined population is around 2,500 people.
See schedule o.haiti Outreach leadership program - the key to our work in Haiti is organizing and providing coaching for communities to take on the responsibility of providing and particularly maintaining potable water systems for their citizens. We have perfected a leadership program that moves leaders and citizens from being victims of their circumstances to taking responsbility for this lack in their communities and motivating them with providing training and coaching to do so. Our goal is sustainable development of these community water systems by the haitinan people, be they rural wells or town water systems, so that the leaders in Haiti will have the people and systems in place to do so, including the necessary financial ability to maintain them indefinitely. That is what this leadership program provides. We are continuously providing this leadership in the 4 communes of cavaillon, terre neuve, pignon and ferrier in Haiti throughout 2023 and beyond. These communes have a combined population of around 87,000 people.