Program areas at Hale Kipa
Shelter services:hale Kipa operates shelters on o'ahu offering emergency services for youth up to age 18. All of our emergency shelters accept self-referrals as well as referrals from child protective services, family court, parents and youth agencies. Served approximately 92 youth placements.
Outreach services:youth outreach (yo): collaborative program with waikiki health that provides street outreach, drop-in, and health care services for runaway, homeless, street youth and youth at risk.choose one option that best describes the primary (youth) focuses of your non-profit organization's work within its community:community based outreach and advocacy program: outreach program provides case management and community linkages for youth to prevent initial or further involvement with child welfare or juvenile justice systems.ho'okala program: provides intake and assessment for status offenders referred by the police, within 24-hour access to immediate attendant care.served approximately 502 youths.
Prevention/intervention programs:independent living programs: provides outreach and skill building services for youth in or transitioning out of foster care into adulthood.hawai'i advocate program: statewide program that provides community-based, strengths-based services to youth and families to assist the re-integration of previously incarcerated youth into the community upon their release from the hawai'Hawaii'i youth correctional facility (hycf).ohana resilience services: supports families and individuals by offering programs and services designed to enhance well-being, promote healthy relationships and foster growth.intensive-in home services: provides clinical therapy and services to child and adolescent mental health division-referred families and youth in their homes, with the goal of strengthening families.intensive independent living services: provides skill building services to assist youth transition to adulthood.ka'i like program: provides intensive monitoring, supervision and support to youth involved in the criminal justice system.hale lanipolua assessment center: open to youth ages 12-17 who are victims/survivors of commercial sexual exploitation and sex traffickingwraparound: an inclusive process that supports youth and families to find their voice, drive their case plan and successfully connect with resources and meet their goals. It is done through the use of facilitators and navigators and works with youth who are multi-system youth who are transitioning out of the Hawaii youth correctional facility.trafficked victim assistance program is a program subcontracted to Hale Kipa by susannah wesley providing a range of crisis and support services on the islands of oahu, kauai and Hawaii to minors involved in commercial sexual exploitation/sex trafficking.served approximately 736 youths.
Residential programs:hale Kipa provides a range of residential programs that include thefollowing:transitional living programs that provide shelter and independentliving skills to young adults who are transitioning out of homelessnessor foster care.step-up program provides housing choice vouchers to youth aging out offoster care, ages 18-21 so they may access housing through section 8.served 17 young adults.foster care:hale Kipa provides foster homes for youth needing emergency shelterbetter suited to living in a foster home as well as therapeutic fosterhomes to youth with behavioral or mental health challenges and needsthat would do best in a therapeutic family environment. Supportiveservices are provided to the youth while in placement as well as forthe families.serviced approximately 9 youths.