Program areas at Hancock Cty Economic Dev Corporation
Hancock county Economic development corporation is comprised of one executive director, fifteen board members, and four advisory board members. In 2017, hcedc focused on the following goal areas to foster and encourage Economic development across the county and achieved the following results: business retention - annual on-site visits(40), housing needs analysis, employee retention analysis, and seminars(10) on current/new resources available to local businesses new business attraction - assisted & provided resources to four start ups Hancock county revolving loan fund - instrumental in the acquisition of a loan award for one new small business workforce development - promotion of and home base Iowa, sponsorship of high school career fairs(4), sponsorship of a 2nd annual internship program(21 participants) featuring 9 value added trainings and networking opportunities, booths at various events showcasing available jobs within the county, workforce retention training sessions , and partnered with iowaworks for 5 sessions regional partnership communication - worked with resource partners(7), local chambers of commerce, schools, foundations, pdi, and government officials community investment in hcedc - raising monies from grants, private and/or business donors, communities, and government entities to fund the work of hcedc
Marketing of Hancock county: tv advertising - 2747 spots with ican advertising banner ads - 150,000+ local internet users reached digital marketing - facebook ads & snapchat filters developed for events (7) social media marketing - 405 followers on facebook, an average of 10,000 views/month and 600+ post engagements radio & newspaper marketing - monthly kiow good morning conversation talk show appearance regarding workforce needs, internship program, community events and featuring local business/community guest speakers. Monthly britt tribune editorials general resource materials - development, printing and distribution of industrial park brochures, promotional flags for events, welcome/thank you banners for county events, Hancock county Economic newsletter, and postcards event marketing - hcedc had welcome and exit banner at the beginning and end of ragbraii route and also executive director rode part of the route taking with bikers about the benefits of Hancock county, hcedc had a booth at the famous tree town music festival and Hancock county district fair where we gathered survey information and had information on jobs available in Hancock county fair, etc.